Controlling carb cravings is the most discussed part of a ketogenic diet in this community. Carb cravings are not just in our minds, our bodies physically crave carbs and sugar. This means that battling these cravings requires both a mind and body approach, this can be complicated BUT it is also worth it.
Let’s talk a little about what causes these carb cravings.
The physical cause is this: When your body digests carbs they end up in your bloodstream as sugar or blood glucose. This glucose is what supplies your cells with energy.
When you begin a keto lifestyle you must dramatically reduce your carb intake which reduces your body’s supply of glucose.
This reduction of glucose can trigger your body’s response to low blood sugar, mainly: hunger. In addition to hunger, your body will likely also crave sugar. This sugar withdrawal can be quite strong, and some people will even compare it to other addictions.
The psychological cause is related to how food smells and tastes, and how this makes us feel. For many or most of us, food is something that makes us feel good. It’s social, it’s a reward, and feeling full can regulate our emotions!
Include our habits as humans, and our body can trigger a hunger response at the same time every day. If you are used to having a snack at 9:00 pm before bed every night, your body may actually make you feel hungry at this time every night.
Controlling Carb Cravings can Happen in the Following 5 Ways:
- Try to control what is happening in your environment. When you are able to minimize the availability of foods you crave, you are less likely to reach for them. I know this is challenging when others in your home enjoy carb filled foods. Create space in your cupboards and fridge just for you!
- Enjoy lots of low-carb vegetables. Veggies like spinach, kale, asparagus and broccoli are nutrient dense and keto friendly. When creating your keto plate, make sure to include lots of vegetables so you are satisfying your need to feel full.
- Stay hydrated. Drinking lots of water and including electrolyte drinks in your routine. The sodium added to electrolyte drinks will satisfy the salt cravings that can sometimes be confused for sugar cravings. Otherwise, drinking enough water will keep your stomach full and your body satisfied.
- Consume lots of healthy fats. Remember, your body needs to be using fats to create energy, instead of glucose. Ensuring your body has enough fat to keep you energized is such an important piece of this journey. Healthy fats will keep you energized so you can maintain a healthy level of movement.
- Be patient! Give your body the time it needs to adapt to using fat as fuel. This can happen at different times for different people, so don’t compare your journey to others. The point is to feel satisfied, healthy and able to maintain your keto diet without giving in to cravings.
Carb cravings can feel impossible to control in the beginning but if you can identify what makes you crave carbs and how to curb those cravings, this keto lifestyle is easier to maintain.
Let me know in the comments if this list of 5 ways to control carb cravings is helpful!
Talk soon,
Amy XO

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey
p.p.s. Here is a blog on the Top 5 supplements I recommend for Keto
Thank you!
Very helpful!
The list is very helpful. It is a daily battle to control sugar cravings but with your help I know how to do it. On the 3 day kick start with you this week. Aways hard to do but I feel so much better when done. Thanks for all you do .
Thank you Amy for all you do!! Sharing your journey and what has and has not worked helps. Carbs are my weakness!! The dense carbs especially!!! I need to learn to replace with healthy options.
Every time I reach for the unhealthy carbs I hear the voice of a dietitian I have seen in the past. “Empty calories”.
I did good from 2013 to 2016. Had to have hysterectomy November 2016 due to hemorrhagic tumor caused by endometriosis. I gained 60 lbs of 120lbs lost. Struggle is real!!! I want these gone!!! Also discovered I am emotional eater. Stress makes me want to graze a lot.
Am getting ready for Summer break at work. Plan is to clean out my kitchen and get all”bad carbs” out. If I don’t have them handy then can’t eat them. Must have will power to by pass these when grocery shopping.
Just turned 50. There’s unhealthy genes that run in my family. I must get those 50 lbs of those 60lbs gained after hysterectomy off again and keep them off. I do not want to follow my parents path of those unhealthy genes which cause heart disease and diabetes. Hypothroid, fibromylagia, osteoarthritis (which had before hysterectomy) and GERD are bad enough. I do have trim and Pure on hand along with my low carb high protein powders to make my shakes. I also take multivitamins for women, vitamin D3, vitamin B 12, and vitamin C. I go for labs next week.
Again, thank you for all you do!!! I so appreciate you!!!
Thanks Amy, very helpful. I am trying to get back on keto and the carb cravings are tough. these are helpful.
Very helpful eating more vegetables will help me i think we are to eat seven serving of vegetables a day which we as a person do not eat enough vegetables thanks for the reminder. Definitely need more water, I have talk to many people who just get about two bottles of water a day it use to be me thank you. Now I get most all of my water in by two o’clock by then I just about done running to the toilet by bed time.
This blog was exactly what I need at this time. I have the nighttime hunger and now I understand why I do.
Thank you❤️
Thank you so much, I started my keto Journey with you a few years ago, but after the pandemic I’ve taken a nose down dip. I’m trying but I think stress gets the best of me. This article helps a lot to remind me to refocus.
Thanks ❤️
Good reminders.
Thank you so much for the time you put into all of us. You’re truly a blessing. I love watching you and your sis… Have an amazing day and God Bless…BTW, I’m a yorkie momma too…
I struggle to get the fat and fiber ratio perfect. I use pecans and almonds sense kale and broccoli give me a weak stomach. I am looking in the Facebook folders to help.
Thanks so much Amy for all you do!!!
Carbs are really tough for me, and I find not meal prepping and planning ahead gets me in trouble!!
The water intake is a huge issue as well, since I don’t like running to the bathroom continuously, so I don’t drink.
Very helpful! I do have cravings off and on at the evening time
Thank you for all your tips, they are so so helpful. I have been off keto for over a year now and unfortunately it shows:( I truly love your encouragement, struggling to get back on.