As promised, here are my September top 10 favorite keto items! If you’re anything like me, you are an absolute lover of the “ber” months! That’s right, I love all things fall; the crisp air, the sweaters, the fireplace, the pup cuddles, and pumpkin flavored delicious keto treats!
September Top 10 Favorites
- There is something about cooler weather that feels like a fresh start, and fresh starts often lead me to want to discover new recipes! Meal prep is easier in cooler temperatures, but it’s also more fun with containers that stack well… and have lids that fit properly. These containers (here) are something I order because they allow for great portion sizes and they stack well in the fridge and freezer!
- It’s no secret that I am a pumpkin spice fan! Turning your Logiq into a pumpkin spice latte allows you to keep it keto, while enjoying the benefit of collagen, mood support and improved memory! If you want the recipe, head on over to my Ucanketo community and order your Logiq here.
- Since we’re talking about pumpkin spice, you’ll want to include the Pumpkin Skinny Syrup Trio to your shopping cart! These keto approved syrups are a staple in the Hightower household in the fall! Plus, you’ll need this to make your own keto pumpkin spice lattes and desserts.
- Low iron has been something I have struggled with for many years. Supplements can be tricky, and it’s also important to consider adding more iron to your diet. This includes using an iron skillet for cooking. The iron in the skillet finds itself into the foods you cook, making this a great, natural way to get more iron!
- Not all wraps are created equal, and not all wraps are keto! But these coconut wraps quickly became my favorite, and I have tested A LOT of wraps!
- Staying active is something I don’t do enough of, but with cute shoes, anything is possible! I love these ones, and they have made this keto journey easier! Plus, they come in a huge variety of colors!
- Yes, I am still trying every keto approved flavored water I can find so I can bring you the most variety! I love these (click here) because they are delicious, and of course, keto! Plus, plain water is just…plain.
- Kettle & Fire just doesn’t get enough credit for their commitment to keto living. Bone broth is not only high in collagen, but it has vitamins and minerals needed to support your immune system. Cold and flu season is here, and we need to make sure our bodies have everything they need to keep us well! Collagen and extra nutrients are a keto must, especially now!
- This top 10 item is a little different than my usual, but knowing our American neighbors have been deeply affected by Hurricane Ida is so heartbreaking. I’m never okay with just sitting back and seeing people struggle, and I know we don’t all have the capacity to help in ways we may wish we could. I found this article to be helpful in finding ways we can help out, everything counts!
- I know this item may not seem to be directly related to anything keto, but our relationships with food are often linked to family trauma. My friend Mirlo Liendo has written a book to help survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence gain clarity about their situation, and begin to plan to exit the toxic relationship they are in. If you, or someone you know is suspected of being with someone who is unhealthy, this read (check it out here) could be the push they need to move on! We can’t heal in the place that broke us, and this includes healing our relationship with food!
I really hope y’all are finding benefits in my monthly top 10 keto lists! Please leave a comment, and make sure you follow me on Fabook, IG and Tiktok, and enjoy the “ber” months!
Amy XO

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey
Thanks Amy, these are great! I appreciate all you do and the encouragement.
First of all, thank you. You are so inspiring and your knowledge about all things Keto is amazing. I love your FaceBook group as well. Always kind and motivating. Also, I think I heard you say you have bone broth everyday, but dont count it. Is this correct?
hey girl thanks for the email I love your blog and facebook page, keep on sharing your keto journey with us.
You had a blog about something you take to make your hair thicker. Mine is falling out and I need help. I have tried to find it and cant. Could you tell me what it is?
Yes ma’am, I recommend Kettle and Fire bone broth and the Liquid Biocell Pure. Let me know if you need the discount links to order or they’re on my blog in Amy’s Cupboard too!
I have been blessed to follow you from the beginning. My journey is more about feeling good. You have helped me in so many ways with tips, recipes, and health. My body functions so much better without sugar! In the journey I have seen the testimonies of SO MANY lives changed for their health! Thank you for your sacrifice, commitment and courage. Hugs my friend. God bless you!
Enjoyed it Thank you
Love your blogs!!!
I love your September Top 10 Favorites! Thank you for sharing!❤️❤️
Thanks for the tips as always Amy. I love the fall too!
Thank you for giving this update we appreciate you.
Thank you for sharing valuable tips.
great Blog
Thank you for sharing your top 10!
Soup time ❤ pumpkin Latte season. 🎃
Thank you Great list so helpful
As usual you do not disappoint. I love your top 10 favorites. and I have and use the same containers all the time. I guess i need to try the coconut wraps now. Thanks for all the great things you and your team have done for this community.
I love all 10
Thank you so much for have our back
You’re amazing!
Thank you for all the links to the products you use. This was very helpful.
I appreciate all that you help us with
After I get home, going to work very hard to accomplish my goals. Been in OH for surgery.
Love your blogs. Love to see the items you’ve tried and know for sure are KETO approved. Tennis Shoes are cute too.
Absolutely look forward to your blogs! Always such great tips and info! Thanks for all you do!
Thank you! These are great and super helpful.
Very helpful, especially the containers for prepping meals ahead. Keep up your good work.
Thank you for remembering us gulf coast people who deal with hurricane issues. 🥰
Coconut wraps and containers in my Amazon cart! Thanks for the info!
As always, thank you for sharing your tips and knowledge. You helped me so much along my journey to lose 100 pounds. I would love to lose 30 more pounds and this past year has been a huge struggle to lose the rest but I keep trying. I feel like keto stopped working. I have maintained but can’t lose!
Thank you for sharing I really appreciate it
Going to try Kettle & Fire for the first time since doing Keto for 7 months! 🙂
Thank you.I also love the cooler months. Love all your tips thanks for sharing.
Thank you Amy for all your encouragement. The road to recovery has been a long journey but thanks to your prize box of things that help the gut when taking antibiotics I have been able to keeping getting better and by the grace pod God
Also preparing for Fall! ☕️
I love every one of these tips!
I love this, Thanks for the constant encouragement! This is so helpful to me:)
Thanks for sharing! I am going to try the coconut wraps.
Love all of your advice, Amy! Thank you so much!
Thank you‼️ I will have to look for the coconut wraps 😊
I enjoy your post and all your help
Thanks for keeping all of our ducks in a row!!
Lots of great info. Love the top 10, I’m going to have to order the pumpkin trio. The mention of high fat salad…….what would you include to make it high fat? Olives? Cheeses? MCT oil?
Thank you for the top 10 list and all the pumpkin spice ideas. Arthritis is one of the major life events I know will endure. Keto is making it more livable!