Living the Keto life basically comes down to eat this, not that. It’s a lifestyle of alternatives in the beginning, making changes to how you view and prepare meals. The Keto Edition of this or that marks (for some) a drastic shift in eating habits.

The following is a list of things the Keto community consumes to achieve Ketosis and Lose Weight …

Keto Edition of This, Not That

Soda drinkers, I know this is a big one for y’all – I was the Queen of Dr. Pepper. You don’t need a rundown of all the reasons soda’s are terrible for your body, but I will tell you that switching to unsweetened sparkling water has been a great choice. There are many health reasons why diet soda’s won’t be on this list, sparkling water will give you the satisfaction of the fizz without the carbs, sugars or artificial sweeteners.

If you’re used to whole milk, you have to be mindful of the amount you’re using because it’s still high in carbs. This could derail your goals quickly. Instead, you can use unsweetened almond milk. It has 1g of net carbs per cup which makes it perfect for smoothies, just make sure it’s unsweetened.

Margarine is rich in trans fats, and it’s often made from oils like palm, palm kernel, or soybean oils which are not Keto friendly. Instead, small amounts of butter are great; but olive oil is the best choice if it meets the needs of your recipe. Plus, olive oils are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that help prevent inflammation.

Ketosis & Weight Loss IS Possible for You!

Sweet potatoes are one of those health foods that is commonly suggested with many diets. Yes, they carry many vitamins but they are also very high in carbs and will cause your blood sugar to spike. One medium sweet potato has about 20g of carbs, so it’s not worth putting on your plate. The best substitute in my books is cauliflower. We’ve learned over the last decade to make anything out of cauliflower and the reason is because it’s so versatile. One cup of cauliflower florets contains just 3.2g of carbs.

Trail mix is another common health snack that people reach for. The truth is, the raisins, dried fruits, pretzels and even chocolate will make the trail mix off limits. A standard serving size (which isn’t much at all) has about 12g of carbs. If you’re looking for a salty snack, reach for plain or lightly salted almonds. Just keep in mind that nuts also have carbs and the suggested serving sizes are often smaller than what we think they are. Nuts are one of those snacks I often found myself weighing the first years of my Keto journey.

Ultimately, the goal of your Keto journey is to be healthy, lose weight, and take better care of yourself. Eliminating or replacing foods to meet Keto guidelines is not a punishment.

Rather, it’s a new way of taking care of who you are and what goals you have decided to reach. 

I Believe in You

The Keto community I’ve cultivated has been a great source of inspiration and strength and my hope is that you find the answers and support you need to make this Keto Edition life a simple one!

Need support getting started — especially at the grocery store? Visit this blog HERE!

Also … as a bonus THIS not THAT Keto Edition .. Liquid Collagen over Powdered ANY day! (and it’s on SALE today!)

Amy XO

Keto Edition

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 



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