As you may know, I’ve been on this Keto journey for 4 years (this month!) now. Like many of you, I started it because I wanted to lose weight. But if I dig a little deeper into the weight loss piece, it’s because I wasn’t feeling well. I was lethargic, I wasn’t sleeping well, my moods were all over the place, my skin was my enemy, and I generally didn’t feel happy about the way I looked. I never even considered healing your gut to be a thing — seriously.
As the weight dropped off, as like many of you again… I felt “better”, but not great!
Yes, I dropped a bunch of sizes.
I wasn’t as tired as I once was, I was sleeping better, my moods had improved – but I discovered I was dealing with an autoimmune disorder which was keeping me from feeling my best.
Something I have since learned is that Keto is a great tool in living a healthier lifestyle, but learning how to heal my gut was going to be just as important to this journey to my best health.
Your gut is considered your second brain, meaning it is also a control center for healing and body repair.
10 Signs your Gut isn’t Healthy
- Gas and Bloating
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Mood Disorders
- Poor Concentration
- Skin Inflammation and Acne
- Sugar Cravings
- Chronic Fatigue
- Weight Gain and Obesity
- Autoimmune Diseases
Healing your Gut on Keto
Simple: Bone broth, Collagen and the RIGHT supplements.
Bone Broth
It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Kettle & Fire. I just feel like this is one area I’ve done the legwork for you. I had spent upwards of a year trying different bone broths and looking through ingredients before deciding that Kettle & Fire were in my opinion, the best for my Keto lifestyle. The truth is, I won’t make it myself and they have given me the convenience and health benefits (and the great selection) that I am looking for.
So what can bone broth do for you?
- Improves joint health
- Sleep better
- Boost your immune system
- Heal leaky gut
- Helps with food intolerances/allergies
- Can reduce cellulite
- Improves the look of your hair and skin
- Strengthens bones
- Adds protein to your diet
Bone broth is full of nutrients your body needs to heal, repair, and remain healthy. I like to drink mine by itself, but will occasionally make soup with it or purchase it as a soup – I mean, broccoli and cheddar is my FAVORITE!
I know I’ve mentioned this in a previous blog, and really – all over social media…
But I can’t say enough about my Collagen products. The proof is in the puddin’… or my hair, skin, joint health and nails. I could go on and on, but I’ll encourage you to join my free Facebook group or Instagram page for this one.
The bottom line is Collagen is Queen!
Gut Health Supplements
Something I have added to my list recently is a Trebiotic supplement — that helps exclusively with gut health. We call it Axis (click here for this healing your gut game changer)
Much like everything else I recommend, I wanted to test it out first. But the Modere Trebiotic has been my favorite add-on recently. It helps to repair the gut, build immunity and create overall wellness.
Whatever your personal health goals are, you can never go wrong with eating cleaner and supplementing your diet with things your body needs and may not be able to get from the foods you eat! Improving my gut health is the goal for me this year, and starting with what goes into it is my priority.
Next week I’m going to share some Keto foods that are gut healing. Until then, have a great week!
Amy XO

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey
Good afternoon Amy I’ve read this gut one and yes I’m having a lot of those problems right now and I will look through and see what are the healthy ways to help thank u for sharing have a blessed day
Thanks Amy!! My biggest problem!!
Never really thought about the gas a gut issue
Hi Amy,
I just ordered the Trim , Burn, and Advantage it should be in tomorrow.
I have been taking Collagen since October.
Thanks Amy!! Need to sort this issue out!! Think it’s the reason the scale hasn’t moved in about a year.
Gut health is super important.
I use kefir and also inulin and psyliium husk powder. Looking forward to you keto food ideas
I love your blog. It’s teaching me so many things. THANK YOU for all you do
I just received axis in the mail yesterday. Today’s the first day❤
Loving your blog! I’m super pumped about my tresbiotics arriving tomorrow!Thank you for all that you do!
I love this blog, learning lots now about gut health! Thank you so much Amy!
Thanks Amy that is very helpful
Thank you Amy for this information and fir all you do. ❤️❤️
Amy, you mentioned collagen. I know you are not in favor of powdered. What can I buy at my local grocery store that will be effective? I am especially about my brittle fingernails that have ridges AND my hair.
I’m not sure about at the grocery store I’m sorry. The liquid collagen I use is the one I talk about from Modere. Bone broth could be a great option too. I have a blog on Collagen too — that could help too!
Amy xo
Thank you Amy! I enjoy reading your blogs. They are very informative. Keep smiling!
Thanks Amy!
Thank You
Look forward to seeing these blogs
I have been doing keto for 3 yrs lost 70 pounds . I got pneumonia in December three rounds of steroids gained 20 pounds I never stopped eating keto . Don’t know how to fix it . Tried kick start bone broth nothing is working . I’m 58 5 .5 and a 158 pounds . I reset my macos biggest problem I can’t eat A lot I’ve been on keto so long . The gut Heath sounds about right for me right now . I’m at a lost
I needed this!
Thank you Amy!
I have been a bit lackadaisical about my keto lifestyle in the last 6 months so I actually am on the 3 day Kick Start now!
So this is serendipitous! Good reminder of what I have discovered in Keto!
This couldn’t have come at a better time! Thank you Amy!
Bone broth and collagen are game changers!
Thanks Amy. Very helpful
Thank you for all your information.
Thank you so much for all your informative information!
I look forward to your advice and recommendations
I have followed for about 2 years now. Love how I feel on keto and love all your tips. What do you recommend for all of us that cant afford this line of products? I loved when you would recommend affordable products for all of us.
Depends on what products you feel you need or want. What I recommend is quality for sure and do my best to secure discounts etc. I don’t want to compromise the integrity of recommending cheap products over quality ones for our health. There is always a spot for everyone and let me know how I can help
Thank you love the sharing of information
Thank you love the sharing of information
Thanks for useful information, Amy!
Thank you Amy for all that you do and all of your great information! I received my axis on Monday and look forward to seeing the results!
Thank you so much for your help. It always helps to have refreshers!!
Thank you for this article.
How long does it take to see an effect from Axis? Also, confirming you can also take a probiotic along with Axis.
I noticed within the first 30 days. And yes I still take my probiotic
Great information! Thank you
Thank you for the useful information
Can you use the trebiotic in your morning coffee?
Yes ma’am
Stop by Amy!! Thanks, good information
Thank you for the email!!!
It’s time for me to get back on the Keto train!!!
I have GERD, Gastritis, ulcers in the tummy. also borderline diabetic and I have many if not all of the symptoms you mentioned. Do I need all of the above items? and a cost please.
Bone broth and the Axis could be a great combo for you! The links are in this post to help with benefits, uses and cost 🙂
This is great! I have just started looking into gut health and want to learn more. From what I understand it can affect a lot of different aspects of your health. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so good to know!
Thank you Amy, Broccoli & Cheddar is also my favorite!!
Just so excited about this new. Product. I’ve been researching to find someone can trust. This seems just what the doctor ordered. Can’t wait for mine to come in.
Hi Amy I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep it up and Keto on.
Thank you for all you do Amy! Your information is priceless.
I know, I know, I know that bone broth and collagen would probably be beneficial. Just haven’t done it yet.
Hi Amy! I read it and will restart again
Hi Amy! I read it and will restart
Thank you for sharing! Great information.
I’m glad you have a blog, now I enjoy all and any information you can gives us. Thank you for all that you do.
Thank you for all you do Amy. By sending us wonderful information and reviews on some great products, I appreciate all you do for us! I love the new Trebiotic product from Modere – I feel great and have only been using it for 3 days –
Thank you Amy, I appreciate the insight…getting away from all the carbs has helped my bloating tremendously. I’m going to look into the Trebiotic supplement, I’ve been having big problems with reacting to certain food-almonds for one, causes my face to swell and I start itching….
Thank you for everything. Thanks for reminding me of the bone broth. Just had one. All the things you said are me at the moment. Maybe this will kick start me into feeling better.
Thank you for this information and I appreciate you taking the time to give us all this information
Thank you for this information and I appreciate you taking the time to give us all this information it’s very helpful
Thank you Amy, you are amazing!
Thank you for all of your research and sharing such helpful information. The last 6 months have been such a struggle for me and my family. Your commitment to educating others, sharing recipes, and sending uplifting messages daily has helped me to stay on track and make my journey toward better health a priority. I look forward to your posts everyday!!!
Thanks Sunshine for the post! I am in a world of hurt, fluffy , over wt. Foggy brain, arthritis , tendonitis, headaches , depressed. Need I say anymore ? It’s terrible to let myself go like this…. You are a sweet ray of sunshine !
Thank you touching on this subject. I think we all need to learn so much more about this. I look forward to more information on the next blog on this subject.
Thx Amy, I have some of these issues, I’m gonna take this info and apply it. Thx again.
Thank you for the good information. I appreciate your comments and encouragements.
Thanks for this info I’m trying to get back into the regimen.
The quarantine reaped havoc on my resolve I’m sad to say. Ordered trim. And bone broth. Starting over!
Thanks Amy! I also love the broccoli and cheddar bone broth. I need to start drinking bone broth more consistently.
Getting dental implants, bone broth is a lifesaver!!!!!! Liquid diet😫
Thank you for the tips.
Awesome info!
Thanks for your support 😊
Thank you
Thanks for the great information. I’ve gained back most of what I’ve lost and have just recently started over again after recovering from knee surgery. I lost 62 pounds before so I know I can do it…..
Amy, thank you so much for sharing all of your knowledge! I’ve learned and have been learning so much from you. Keep on inspiring us!
Thank you! I appreciate you doing so much research and then sharing with us!
Thanks Amy for all the updated information . I do enjoy my home made bone broth. Having a lots of greens in my meals
Thanks 😊
How much bone broth do recommend daily or weekly? Not sure how much to consume to reap the benefits? Thank you
Thanks, always so informative. You rock!
Thank you Amy for the update..I appreciate all ur input on our journey..
Thank you for all you do! Love your blogs
Wonderful information as usual Amy! thank you
Thank you Amy for all the great information. I am definitely going to look into it.
Loved rage information you provided
Thank you Amy. I enjoy bone broth and collagen daily
I really appreciate your tackling gut health! So many issues stem from our gut. I have done very well on Leto for almost two years now and am down 70 pounds with about 70 more to go. I have added the Lean Body System to my regime and just got my Axis. I struggle with the bone broth. I am stalled snd trying faithfully to stay the course. I am hopeful that gut healing will help me move forward.
I started taking Axis this week. Will try the collagen you like once I’m done with the one I have. Love Kettle and Fire Bone broth. My biggest problem is to remember to drink it 😃. Thank you for your continued support and information you provide us.
Yes, I’ve been taking collagen for a while now. I have now added some fermented saurkraut. I feel better but still have a ways to go. Thanks for the support!
Love bone broth, Modere products and can’t wait to try new products to help my gut. Thank you, Amy. I appreciate all you’ve done to help improve my life and others.
I’ve read this information on gut health.
Thanks for all you do
Great information. Thank you for doing all the leg work for us. You’re the best.
Thank you Amy!! You don’t know how I wish I could hug you and say thank you!! I have 4 out of the list above. I am going to do this! I believe in me and this blessing!!
Thanks Amy!!
Great information here.
Thanks Amy! You always give great advice!!!
Always love reading your articles