If you have stopped losing weight, it sounds like you may have hit a plateau. Plateaus can be super frustrating. One month you feel on top of the world, you’ve been losing weight steadily, your skin is clearing up, you’ve been sleeping better, you’ve joined a keto community, you’re meal prepping – and BOOM.

The scale comes to a stand still. 

It happens to the best of us, and it is a completely normal part of the process!

When we are in weight loss mode, we are in a calorie deficit. This simply means we are burning or using more calories than we are consuming. During different stages of our journey, we will have to adjust our calorie intake to match our output; and our output will be linked to our current weight because smaller bodies require less energy to function throughout the day. This is how we stay healthy. 

So, you’ve hit a plateau, now what? 

There are 5 Quick and Easy Fix a Plateau:

Re-calculate your calorie goals and macros. Your smaller body will require less fuel, so ensure you are using accurate weight to calculate your calorie goals and macros. Sometimes just being off by a few pounds can make a difference. 

Track absolutely everything. One thing I know that prevented my own personal weight loss goals in the beginning was not paying attention to things I thought held no weight. Things like drinks, a large handful of nuts, not weighing my foods – all of these can quickly add up and prevent the scale from moving. 

Ramp up the exercise. Our bodies get used to doing the exact same things every day, and light exercise can become almost meaningless in the weight loss department. All movement is good for your body, and any exercise is good for your mental wellness; but when it comes to building muscle or burning fat – you’ll have to be ok with switching it up every now and again. And remember, weight training will allow your body to burn more fat while it rests, and it keeps your bones strong so it’s a win/win!

Never give up hope. All things are working for your good. One day, you’ll look back on everything you’ve been through and thank God for it

You Got THIS!

Monitor your stress. Stress increases a hormone called Cortisol. Cortisol interrupts your ability to sleep soundly, and it causes your body to hold onto fat. Stress can cause a ton of other health related issues. Learning how to care for yourself is the key to a long, healthier life. You will never regret discovering new ways to reduce stress!

Intermittent fasting. Giving your metabolism a rest and restart with intermittent fasting is often enough to get a kick start on your goals again. Intermittent fasting can boost your metabolism into fat burning mode again. I personally prefer the 8/16 fasting window – 8 hours to fuel my body, 16 hours to allow my metabolism to rest from digesting and burn fat as fuel! 

Whether it is one or all of these tips that work for you, a plateau doesn’t have to be a reason to give up. Hitting a plateau just means you were doing the right thing for a while, and now that right thing has to be adjusted!

Good luck! 

Amy XO

hit a plateau

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 



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