If you have stopped losing weight while Keto, it’s likely you have hit a Keto stall. This can be frustrating, especially if you have been on a good run of Keto weight loss – but don’t be discouraged! Hitting a Keto stall is more common than you think and can happen more than once on this journey!

Every now and then, you will have to re-evaluate your Keto eating habits to prevent or stop a Keto stall. Luckily, I have been down this road for a long time and I have the answers you are looking for!

So, HOW do you Break a Keto Stall?

Here are a few ways to keep the weight coming off:

Hidden Carbs are Everywhere

If you stop losing weight, or if you are having a hard time beginning with weight loss; there may be carbs you aren’t counting. Eating just a few extra grams of carbs here and there adds up quickly! 

What’s the big deal? Your body will not go into ketosis, or it won’t stay in ketosis. Either way, using a food tracker helps, as does paying extra attention to food labels, sauces, seasonings, starchy vegetables and even processed meats.

Intermittent Fasting is Your Friend

Intermittent fasting is a great way to help boost fat burning, and is commonly used as an effective method to break a Keto stall.  The 16/8 method of fasting is one of the easiest ways to start. It involves fasting for 16 hours (Don’t panic, most of these hours are when you are sleeping!) and an 8 hour window where you can fuel your body. 

Are You Working Out?

Assuming you are, try switching up your routine. If you are a walker, try increasing your pace and distance. If you do yoga, try adding light weights or cardio to your day. Whatever is comfortable for you, try switching up your routine to make a difference in how your body looks and feels. Trying something new is always good for your mind and body!

Decrease Your Calorie Intake

This doesn’t mean you should make a dramatic difference in your daily caloric intake, but Keto takes adjustments as we progress through this journey. Keto does not involve counting calories, but it is possible to consume too many. Portion sizes and counting carbs are an accurate account of how we eat, just be mindful of going overboard.

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff!

In other words, please don’t let stress get the better of you. Stress increases cortisol, and cortisol interrupts how we sleep and our moods. Additionally, cortisol increases inflammation in our bodies which leads to a multitude of illnesses. So, be aware of the stressors in your life and make adjustments where you can. I mean, we can all agree that making time for ourselves to relax or do things we enjoy can be hard – but it is very necessary!

The bottom line….

Hitting a Keto stall can be super frustrating. But there are other ways to consider how we meet our goals. Measuring Keto weight loss in inches and not just on the scale is often overlooked. How you feel is the goal of this Keto journey, so stay positive and make some adjustments to how you are measuring your food, weight-loss, success, and how much you are working your mind and body! 

If you haven’t done my 3-Day Kickstart (designed to break a stall) this would be a GREAT option as well — just plug into my Keto Community for all the details.

Because trust me, if I can Keto, ucanketo too!

I’ve been busy updating Amy’s Cupboard on the website too with tons of your ideas — so THANK YOU! (you can click here to see the cupboard updates!)

Talk Soon,


Keto stall

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 



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