The most common phrase of someone who has mildly committed to Keto but hit some bumps in the road and called it quits.

Here’s the deal, Keto takes commitment and unlearning old habits… or Keto will not work for you.

It has been comments like this that are why I started this keto community.

I have faced every keto challenge.

I have yo-yo’d, I have given up and restarted, I have believed keto untruths, I have struggled to accept what portion sizes really are, I have failed to count my macros appropriately, 

I have stalled, and most of all…

I have succeeded. 

All the information I give you, including the weekly meal plans, is free. Why? Because I want you to succeed on your health journey too! 

Don’t Give Up!

With all of that being said, it is much easier to say it’s not working and give up than it is to keep trying.

But you are here because you want to keep trying, so I hope you get all the information you seek in these blogs!

So, there are many reasons why Keto is not working for you, or let me rephrase this, there are many reasons why the scale is not moving: 

  1. You are consuming too many calories. Yes, Keto may focus on high-fat, low-carb living. And although it is not necessarily calorie-restrictive, you can consume too many calories because you must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. As with every weight loss program, try writing down everything you eat and portion sizes. Be honest about how much you are eating because something as simple as a heaping tablespoon of peanut butter instead of an actual tablespoon of butter can add up when you have developed an altered sense of portions. Scales, measuring spoons and cups, and honesty will make a difference over time! I periodically STILL go back to mine!
  2. You have an undiagnosed medical issue. If I have learned nothing else, Keto has forced me to pay extra attention to my overall health. Although I don’t have a medical condition that has caused me to retain or gain weight, I have discovered some conditions that have upset my digestive system and even caused me to lose weight. Things like ovarian cysts, PCOS, fibroids, hypothyroidism, and depression can stall weight loss. If you are not losing weight but know you are following guidelines, please visit your doctor. Alternatively, if you are suddenly losing weight faster than you think you should be, a check-up can reassure you that you are on the right track. 
  3. You have unrealistic keto weight loss expectations. Losing a pound a week should be the goal. Some may lose more, particularly if starting their journey at a higher weight than others. Losing weight too fast should never be the goal; it should be more like losing and maintaining a healthy weight over time. 
  4. You are not counting all of your macros. You should stay between 20-40g of net carbs to get into and maintain ketosis. This varies amongst individuals, so there may be a bit of trial and error at the beginning of your keto journey. Once you find that sweet spot, you’ll lose weight slowly but consistently. Counting macros can feel like an extra challenging math class, so finding an app that makes sense to you will be your saving grace! Here is my Free video on how to set up your macros step-by-step!
  5. You aren’t fasting. Years ago, I would never have considered a fast of any kind. I had this idea of fasting being a form of starvation. Still, now that I know better, intermittent fasting has become a staple in the Hightower household. Fasting has nothing to do with starvation; we already fast when we sleep. We go 10-16 hrs without food at night, and this, friends, is intermittent fasting. I prefer to do 16/8 or 14/10, but starting with something doable for your lifestyle is the best way to begin. Fasting allows your digestive system to rest and rejuvenate itself; it helps to regulate your blood sugar, lowers insulin levels, and promotes fat burning. (I recommend introducing intermittent fasting 3-4 days per week)
The goal here is to be your healthiest self.

If you needed to find a way to prolong the life of a pet or a loved one, you would go to any lengths to do so, am I right?  

Well, give yourself the same attention! There are many reasons why Keto has not worked for you…. So far. 

Don’t let it be because of a lack of interest. You have all the free information you need in my ucanketo group!

Amy XO

I Tried Keto, and it Didn't Work…, Keto metor

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 



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