I want to share how keto has changed my life, which may not be what you think.

Yes, I have lost weight doing keto.

I have lost weight, and I have gained weight, and I have lost it again. Weight loss IS life-changing, and it was absolutely my goal when I started (and to come off medications).

I didn’t expect changes in how I felt about my body, myself, my health, and my relationship with food.

When I began this journey, I was super uncomfortable with how I looked, how clothes looked on me, and with my lack of energy or desire to do anything about this.

I was sick and exhausted, and I was unsure of where to even begin…

The Initial Keto Plan 

Until I found the keto lifestyle, much like most of you, I came into this with big expectations and few plans – I thought I would just eat more meat and no carbs or sugar, and that would be it.

But that wasn’t it.

It wasn’t until I had progressed, fallen off, and gotten back on again a few times that I realized that more than anything, I needed to change the way I felt about my body and my relationship with food.

If you have ever struggled with food as a reward or punishment (figuratively or literally), you know that being able to experience food as fuel rather than an emotional event is a lifelong journey that requires a lot of work.

How did I do this?

Many things had to change.

Spending more time in motivational spaces and surrounding myself with access to people working on themselves in any aspect of their lives allowed me to view my failures as learning experiences.

I began reading self-help books, started journaling, and started waking up every morning and thinking about something I could be grateful for. I mean, there are so many things I could/should be grateful for. 

But in the years before, I had become accustomed to waking up and thinking about all the things that could go wrong!

Once I began feeling better about myself, it was easier for me to want to take care of my body more. Thinking about food as fuel for my body has dramatically changed how I feel physically.

Adding more vegetables, teas, supplements, and collagen have all allowed me to look and feel better.

I promise you, ten years ago, I would have never reached for a cobb salad or bone broth! Oreo’s and Dr. Pepper were the extent of my nutrition.

Keto Changed my Life

The ucanketo community has been my greatest source of inspiration so far.

Being able to be a part of a community of people who are taking charge of their lives has changed me.

I have a purpose that I never had before, I have confidence in my ability to take care of myself and my hubby, and I have a much better appreciation and understanding of what it means to fuel my body.

There are so many other ways keto has changed my life for the better.

I would love to hear more about your own personal journey, so please make sure you are plugged into the ucanketo Facebook group!

Thank you for being here; this is really how keto has changed my life!

Talk soon,

Amy XO

Keto biggest mistakes

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 

p.p.s. Here is a blog on the Top 5 supplements I recommend for Keto



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