So, you have decided to change your lifestyle and take a hold of your health but the keto flu has other plans for you. Beginning an entirely new eating regimen can be stressful, exciting and full of wonderful expectations; the last thing we expect is to feel awful. Unfortunately, the keto flu is a common part of beginning a keto diet, but it’s effects are short-lived and can be remedied with some TLC!

What is the Keto Flu?

It’s a set of symptoms ranging from headaches, nausea, excessive tiredness, and even vomiting – kind of like the real flu except you are not contagious. These symptoms are minor and can last a few days to a month, so preparation is the key here so you aren’t interrupting your life. 

The keto flu is simply your body adjusting to having fewer carbs so it can ease into a state of ketosis. It’s caused by the imbalance of minerals, insulin and energy sources.

Why Does This Happen?

Your body is accustomed to using carbs as fuel. The natural decrease in insulin can also lead to an increase in potassium, sodium and water in your urine – basically, you can become dehydrated. 

Before your body adjusts to using ketones for fuel, it’s normal to feel like you have brain fog and are excessively tired. 


Symptoms of the keto flu are usually mild, and begin when a person starts the keto diet. It is common to only last a few days to a few weeks. The symptoms typically ease off when the body enters a state of ketosis. Some common symptoms are:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • headache
  • fatigue
  • difficulty with tolerating exercise
  • Dizziness
  • sleeplessness
  • muscle cramps
  • general weakness
  • rash
  • low energy
  • Constipation
  • Bad breath
  • Loose stool
  • Dehydration
  • Low blood sugar

Let’s keep in mind that these symptoms, if you even experience them, are temporary!

What’s the Solution? 

While not all of these symptoms can be avoided, there are ways to decrease the severity:

  • Eat more fiber
  • Consume different types of fats like coconut oil, mct’s, and avocado oils
  • Drink A LOT of water
  • Take your supplements. Especially calcium, selenium, vit D and zinc
  • Collagen helps, so don’t skip the bone broth or collagen supplements
  • Do things that make you happy to keep your mind off of feeling sick!

The keto flu often cannot be avoided, but knowing what to expect and how you can ease some of the symptoms will allow you to feel less out of control. I cannot stress this enough: the keto flu is temporary, and when it’s gone it’s gone! As long as you remain in ketosis and have to start from scratch again, this can be the first and last time you experience the keto flu.

Just whatever you do, do not give up!

I’m interested to know, did you experience the keto flu? And if so, how did you manage? 

Talk Soon,


Keto flu

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 



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