Suddenly developing hair loss when you begin a Keto lifestyle can be alarming! Especially if you did not know that Keto can cause sudden hair loss. If you have found your hair thinning or alarming amounts of hair in your brush every day, you are not alone. 

There are a few reasons you may experience Keto hair loss, most of which are reversible with supplements and eating balanced Keto meals.

Keto hair loss is a temporary side effect of a heavily carb restricted diet, but having experienced this and overcome it, I have some ideas that I’m sure will help you get over this hump as well. 

There is Good news!

The good news is …

Most Keto hair loss answers come from Keto foods you should have in your diet anyway!

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil will prevent hair loss, but it doesn’t promote hair growth. Either way, ingesting coconut oil is an important ingredient in your Keto lifestyle anyway, using it topically has been reported to have amazing results as well. Plus, coconut oil is full of iron, vitamin E and vitamin K.


Collagen promotes hair growth and prevents Keto hair loss. Bone broth is an essential way to include collagen in your diet. It’s perfect for breaking a fast if you are intermittent fasting, it’s a great way to prepare Keto soups, and many people just start their day with a cup of bone broth. Just remember to carefully check ingredients, or order from Kettle & Fire who we know has Keto bone broth that doesn’t have an unpleasant taste. In addition, collagen supplements like Pure or Trim (my fave’s) from Modere are great ways to promote hair growth, and like bone broth, collagen has gut healing properties!


Biotin is the most effective nutrient in actually thickening your hair. The great news is that the best way to include biotin in your diet is to eat biotin rich, Keto foods. Many of these foods are likely a part of your diet already, but biotin can be found in:

  • Cauliflower
  • Eggs
  • Peanuts
  • Almonds
  • Avocados
  • Salmon
  • Spinach
  • Dairy products
  • Mushrooms


Getting enough electrolytes is something most people struggle with when they begin a Keto diet. Your body can become dehydrated, and the loss of electrolytes can also contribute to hair loss. Replace those electrolytes easily with LMNT, which is by far my favorite electrolyte replacement. It can easily be added to water and it mixes well!  (Grab your FREE sample here)

And ultimately, stress can cause Keto hair loss.

Some of you have regular everyday stress, some have chronic stress, and some have the stress of beginning a brand new eating regimen. Whatever the cause of the stress, your body doesn’t know the difference, all it knows is it’s stressed. The addition of a caloric deficit or a restrictive change in what your body is used to will cause physical stress, then there is the psychological stress associated with making any major life changes! Take the time to nurture yourself during this transition. Self care, journaling, exercise, sunshine, and getting enough sleep will all reduce stress; and will reduce hair loss!

My go-to journal is the Lightbulb Moments Journal that you can grab HERE from Amazon. (if you grab a copy, make sure you email them for your free bonuses too!)

Not to Worry

Keto hair loss can seem so stressful, but remember, it’s temporary! I hope these tips have helped you to understand how to alleviate these temporary hair loss symptoms so you can focus on your goals!

Talk Soon,


hair loss with keto

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 



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