Meal prepping your breakfasts is super easy when you can save time preparing simple keto overnight oats. If there is ever a season where saving time is essential, it’s now. If you’re like me, finding time-saving keto hacks feels like a victory!

Keto community members often ask if traditional overnight oats are keto-friendly; the short answer is “no.”

The long answer is that keto oats can be used in small amounts, but traditional oats are too high in carbs to be considered keto. With that being said, many keto overnight “oat” recipes have no oats but still have the consistency of overnight oats.

What’s the secret? High protein seeds.

Using two high-protein seeds will give you almost the same results regarding texture. Still, the flavor is virtually identical (if not better).

Here is a version of keto overnight oats that I enjoy, and with only four ingredients, it will be easy for you to try out!

Save Time With Simple Keto Overnight Oats


½ cup Unsweetened Almond Milk – the thing I love about unsweetened almond milk is that you can still get different flavors. Feel free to experiment with the ones you like the most; remember, they must be unsweetened.

½ cup Hemp Hearts – these hemp seeds (also called hearts) are very low in carbs and have omega-3 and omega-6 oils. Hemp hearts are delicious and slightly nutty, and healthy fats, protein, and fiber make them an excellent addition to your keto kitchen!

3 tbs Chia Seeds – I will admit, I was once intimidated by chia seeds. They are new to me, and I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with them. Now that I have been enjoying overnight oats and chia pudding, I don’t know what life was like pre-chia seed! They are full of protein and fiber; many have called them the keto superfood!

¼ cup Keto Yogurt – keto yogurt will give this recipe an extra punch of protein. If plain Greek yogurt is not for you, it can be replaced with coconut yogurt, which will add to the creaminess of this recipe. Remember, if you choose coconut yogurt, it must be sugar-free.


Keto Sweetener of your choice – this is not a must, but if you prefer a little sweetness, then add it to taste.

Cinnamon – is full of antioxidants! If you can add cinnamon to as many things as you can, you should! No more than half a teaspoon, though, the original flavor of this dish is very mild.

Vanilla Extract – no more than ½ a teaspoon; the flavor can be overpowering.

Coconut Flakes – are a great addition, and they add some texture as well!

Almond Butter – a tablespoon will be enough to add some protein and fat while adding the delicious nut flavor.

Keto-Friendly Fruit – the thing I love about overnight oats is that you can add whatever you want to them, and they will always taste great! Add a few blueberries, strawberries, or blackberries if you would like.

Some will add a few sugar-free chocolate chips or a bit of a Skinny Syrup of their choice (not too much, though; it will change the consistency).


Add your ingredients to a medium-sized bowl and mix.

You can add the fruit (if that is what you choose) on the day you make it, or you can add them when you serve it.

Cover and refrigerate overnight. I like to use single-serving reusable containers. Like these ones (on Amazon)

You can add a splash of unsweetened nut milk if it is too thick when serving it.

I also love mixing in my Tri-Biotic for added Gut Health!

Did you think it would be this easy?

Neither did I. Keto overnight oats quickly became a staple; it takes the planning out of making a delicious breakfast.

You will love this recipe if chia seeds and hemp hearts are new to you. You will benefit from high protein, high fiber, and gut-healing ingredients in one oat-free delicious keto overnight oat recipe!

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do, mainly because you will save time at home and have more time to spend with family or to shop!

Let me know in the comments if you want more of my favorite meal prepping ideas!

Amy XO

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey

p.p.s. Be sure to check out the Turkey Mushroom Bake Recipe Here



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