Why do you need a complete guide to keto coffee?

Well, because over 150 million Americans enjoy at least one cup of coffee a day. If you know an avid coffee drinker, you’ll also learn how important coffee is to their lifestyle. Maybe this is you! Are you the person who wakes and brews? It’s only natural that we would want to explore the keto coffee options to ensure everyone remains happy!

If you question whether coffee is keto, it is.

Black coffee is always keto; it’s what you add to it that can make it more keto-friendly or not keto at all. If you’re not new to keto, you’ll know that bulletproof coffee is as keto as coffee can get. Adding butter, MCT oils, keto creamer or whole cream and a sweetener of choice (or not) is a great way to get in those healthy fats and caffeine.

But ….

Not everyone is missing their coffee in this same way. Some are cutting the fun flavors, the foam, the luxury of holding their favorite coffee brands’ disposable mug as they go about their day. The great thing is that there are too many alternative options to post in one blog, but let me leave you with a few keto coffee options.

The Mug Matters | Keto Coffee

There is a psychology around getting the same coffee from the same brand every day. But to be honest, it’s more about the routine and the way the mug feels in your hand than anything else. Whether you are a drive-thru person or a walk-in and talk to your favorite barista person, I’d bet you get the same sized coffee and spend the same amount of time drinking it every time. So, purchase a favorite travel mug that is the same size as what you’re used to. Then, hold it and walk around the store with it before buying it and make sure it’s exactly right for you. Do the same with the travel mugs with straws if you’re an iced-coffee lover.

This way, you’ve got this part of your routine covered.

Your Sweet Fave’s Can Be Replicated

I know we love to think our special mixes or old sweet blends are unique, but they aren’t so amazing they can’t be created in a sugar-free form. Skinny syrups have literally saved millions of keto lovers in the flavor department. They are sugar-free, and the flavors are the same as their sweet counterparts. With so many flavors available from Maple Bourbon, Glazed Donut, Vanilla Bean, and Salted Caramel, there will be a few that you will quickly become friends with!

Keto Vanilla Almond (or not) Latte ☕️
  • 1 cup cold brew coffee
  • ½ cup almond milk or heavy cream
  • 1 tbsp sugar-free Vanilla Almond (or just vanilla) flavored syrup

Pour into a large glass with ice, stir and enjoy!

Keto Caramel Macchiato ☕️
  • 2 shots espresso
  • Heavy cream
  • 2tbsp sugar-free caramel syrup

Pour the cream into the espresso/syrup mix until it is the desired cloudiness you like. Shake and pour into your favorite mug and enjoy!

It is this simple. Living keto is not what it once was when we sacrificed all the foods we loved to reach our health goals. But, with various recipes, sugar-free options, supplements and creativity, we are living our best lives!

Hopefully, this complete guide to keto coffee will inspire you to keep putting one foot in front of the other with an excellent keto coffee in your hand and a smile on your face!

One last thing, if you would benefit from a nootropic coffee (the one I use and love) and an MCT + Collagen Creamer .. visit HERE — ASAP.

It’s the good stuff friends.

Amy XO

Keto coffee

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey

p.p.s. My blog last week on Mindset is one worth visiting — thank you all so much for your messages and feedback I’m so happy it was helpful 💚



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