If you are like me, learning to curb emotional eating while on Keto has been my biggest obstacle.

Truthfully, If I told you emotional eating wasnā€™t the source of my obesity years ago Iā€™d be lying. 

Generationally, food is commonly used to suppress feelings of loneliness, boredom, stress, anxiety and is most commonly used as a reward. So, whatā€™s wrong with this? Linking food to our emotional state is what leads us to a roller-coaster ride of emotions from elation to guilt. Coping with stressors through food is a vicious cycle that becomes even harder to break when you make an attempt to restrict unhealthy foods – it can almost feel like trying to quit smoking. 

Whatā€™s the solution?

I donā€™t pretend to have all of the answers, but I do know that moving into a Keto lifestyle has been both complicated and very rewarding.

Ways to Curb Emotional Eating on Keto

Notice what your triggers are.

This can be a tough one, and I found keeping a personal journal helpful. When I would reach for those Oreoā€™s or Dr. Pepper I would document what I was doing, feeling, thinking etc. Maybe it coincides with a certain time of day, like right when you get home from work or while you lay in your bed at night. Once you notice those triggers, itā€™s time to move into what you are going to do about them. Try interrupting the pattern by going for a walk, make this a part of your routine even. Drink a glass of water, replace the chips with a healthy alternative like celery or cheese crisps! Once you begin to feel better about the choices you are making it will be easier to stay on the good choice bandwagon!

Get rid of what tempts you.

I canā€™t stress this enough, but if you donā€™t have access to unhealthy foods, it makes the choices so much easier. It can feel like youā€™re throwing money away by purging your cupboards and fridge, but think about all the money you have thrown away to attend doctors, take tests, and deal with chronic illness! When it comes to your health, tough choices need to be made.

Get enough sleep.

Adequate sleep is the key to remaining on top of your moods and your health in general. Not getting enough sleep increases your cortisol levels (stress hormone) and prevents weight loss, it further disrupts your sleep, reduces your energy, and can lead to reaching for starchy or sugary foods. Having a routine for bedtime may sound almost childish, but taking time to unwind with a book or a bath before bed may be exactly what you need in the way of self care. If youā€™re like me, I often overthink when I lay in bed so making a list for the next days tasks has been super helpful! I keep it on my night table, this way I can rest my mind and sleep a little more peacefully. 

Choosing a Keto life is a giant step in the right direction and emotional eating can look different for many of us. If you have identified ways you emotionally eat, share what works for you! 

Talk Soon,


June top 10

p.s. Make sure youā€™ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 



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