Happy New Year and welcome to the first ucanketo top 10 list of 2022! The holidays were, well, really busy. If you are anything like me, getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of family, friends and social media just made the time go by even faster.

Here we are, weeks into 2022 and I have finally taken the time to think about what some of my favorite things are that can help you on your keto journey. Not only have I come up with ten things to share, but they are all related to self care, because this is something I have been paying special attention to. 

UCANKETO Top 10 List of 2022

  1. Walking shoes. These are shoes I have ordered a few times because they are so comfortable and lightweight. They are perfect for just slipping on and going for a walk, because extra walks are going to be a great way to clear our heads and get in those steps! 
  2. A water bottle. Ok, I’m going to share a funny(ish) story with you. Sometime in December I was on the phone with my friend, who happens to be Canadian. She mentioned something about her hot water bottle, and I had never heard of this so I assumed she was talking about a heating pad, like the one I use. When I referenced it again by calling it a heating pad she quickly corrected me, sent me a picture and a description of hers…and she sent me this one to use myself! If you’re like me and you’ve never owned one, I highly suggest you get one – we recommend the purple! 
  3. Increasing your water intake is not just for the summer months. I actually think water should be on my top 10 list every month! Anyway, these flavored waters are a favorite in the hightower household, and they come in a bunch of light but delicious flavors!And don’t worry, there are no sweeteners or sugars in these!
  4. Don’t judge me, but I’m just realizing the power of bath salts! They are not only great for muscle aches and relaxation, but they come in different scents and they just make the bath feel so rejuvenating! These are my current favorite’s !
  5. I’ve decided to take on yoga. It’s been something I have been saying I wanted to try but just never got around to it, so 2022 is the year! I’ve ordered a few different mats, and this one is the best one in my non-professional opinion. Hey, I’m just a girl trying out a new thing, probably just like so many of you! I hope you love this one as much as I do. 
  6. Back to being hydrated all of 2022, here is a link to my current favorite water bottle! 
  7. Time blocking is all I saw on TikTok for a while, but I’m not mad about planning out my days! Nothing changes if nothing changes, right? I’m not the most organized person, but I have committed to doing better this year. This planning system is one that has been easy to use and it keeps me on top of my plans!
  8. We cannot have a great 2022 without taking our Kettle & Fire bone broth with us. They just keep getting better and better! For anyone who’s new here, Kettle & Fire is the ONLY bone broth I endorse, because it’s that good!
  9. Want to set some goals? I’m a huge believer in vision boards, and lucky for you my good friends Catherine and Mirlo have launched an online vision board experience to help you to actualize your goals in a fun and safe way. I was fortunate enough to get in on the greatness earlier in 2021, but they have made this available to you to begin at any time. Just click here for access!
  10. Last but not least, hello….Modere has released a Cellproof Self Tanning Lotion and it’s amazing! The results are gorgeous, there isn’t a hint of orange anywhere! But aside from how great it makes your skin look, it is a Modere product and you know what that means…. Collagen and soft, healthier skin! If you don’t believe me, take a look on the site and visit my social media pages for real life examples! 

That’s it for my first top ten list for 2022! Enjoy.

Amy XO

top ten list for 2022

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey

p.p.s. Did you try the new recipe?? Let me know (here it is again)



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