If you’re a woman over 40 and beginning a Keto lifestyle, you’re on the right track! At this point it is likely that you not only have 40 years of questionable dieting practices under your belt – but years of losing and gaining weight, artificial sweeteners, fat free foods and confusing messages from health care professionals to account for where you are mentally and physically right now.
Sure, the intentions have always been good. But the methods and the reasons for choices you have made up until this point have caused issues for your metabolism and hormones!
A Woman Being Over 40 is Just the Beginning!
The good news is, you are a woman who has made it to 40…..and you are in a position now to take a deep dive into the world of Keto.
Maybe you have been experiencing those looming hormonal changes or unexplained weight gain in your mid section. Maybe you are noticing unexplained changes in your muscles or the way your clothes fit. You could have recently developed an autoimmune disease. Maybe you are tired or are not sleeping well.
Whatever it is, Keto can help you start to feel good again. I’m a firm believer that a Keto diet was made for women in their 40’s, and that even though you have a lot on your plate….you can and will feel and look good again!
These Changes Don’t Have to be Your Normal
The truth is, all of these changes in our bodies are often brushed off as a normal part of the aging process.
I mean, I wouldn’t consider 40’s being an aged population – but I think you know what I am talking about.
However, working long hours and trying to achieve a perfect version of parenthood, career, relationship, appearance and financial stability will cause cortisol to rise. Cortisol, a stress hormone, will interfere with how your body produces insulin which can cause weight gain.
This is where a Keto lifestyle will change your life.
Controlling your carb intake by introducing ketosis will cause you to lose weight. The high fat, low carb combination will help to balance your hormones. Ultimately you will sleep better, feel better, have increased energy, your moods will improve, your body will have less stress from excess weight, fewer cravings, your muscle tone will improve, and you’ll drop a bunch of clothing sizes.
What does this mean? Less cortisol production! Better sleep! Changes in clothing sizes! Fewer cravings for soda and sweets! More ENERGY!
Committed to Feeling Great!
Who else is looking forward to being free from feeling sick, tired, fluctuating weight, and the frustration of feeling defeated by another diet? Who else is tired of knowing that what they are putting in their bodies has little to do with being healthy, and more to do with being thin?
I don’t know about you, but being over 40 and being in the best health of my life is the goal!
Are you with me?
Amy XO

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey
Thank you for this. Some times it feels like there isn’t much out there for the over 40 group.
I’ve done keto twice before and had good results. Fell off the keto train and dealt with a very stressful job this past year and gained weight again, I’m ready to get back on track!
Amy – being over 40 & trying to take control of our health is hard. Being of the female gender with hormonal issues makes it harder and as you said, years of experience with gaining:/losing weight has taken its toll on our bodies.
I am thankful for YOU!! You work hard tot teach us about keto and do it with healthy fats and foods, not all bacon & butter. While bacon & butter are good, they are not good for us all the time.
You work hard to teach us about healthy fats and being fat satiated is key to our success. If we are fat satiated then we are satisfied and not chasing the salty/sweet cycle.
You work hard to teach us to pay attention to labels and artificial sweeteners in the products we consume, and to pay attention to the way we feel after consuming those products.
Twenty one moths in, I feel better now than I have in a very long time!!
Love and thanks!!
Thank you
Keto is for everyone but over 40 yayyy isn’t too late to get our health back
I’m almost 50 ❤️
Thank you
Thank you Amy. I am struggling right now I have put on 60 pounds and so unhappy. I am trying to start again thank you for all you do!
I so agree with every single word of your blog. Never in my life have I been able to lose the weight and feel good like this! I did keto a year ago, went off for a while and went back on. Both times extremely successful. The only negative for me is very bad hair loss! Wish someone could figure out how to not have that happen. It took a year for my hair to come back!
I am nearing 70 and I need to lose weight!!! No energy, stiff knees. I would love to have a easy meal plan to follow. One with list of food to choose for meal preference.
Over 55 and its a struggle .I do like all the info from Amy so much valuable information.
Thank you for sharing Amy
I appreciate all the information, very informative.
Love and God’s Abundant Blessings
100% on board with this.❤️
Ty Amy
I absolutely love keto. I am just starting again. I have yet to stick to it for longer than a month with no junk food. I am an emotional eater and I have a high stressed out life. I think I don’t know how to cope so I cave to my old ways. Food is such a quick fix even if it only lasts 15 min. I am tired of caving. When I am strict, the pounds melt away. I have 110 lbs to shed. I love you Amy and I love your story.
I am right there with you. When I’m on it I lose weight and feel great but can’t stick. I so want to.. I think I’m going to jump back on.
Thank you so much Amy. This committee has helped me so much. In my 50 years I have never understood food the way that I do now.
I’ll be 40 this year, I’m glad to see there’s hope for us! Thank you for all the great info!
I am 56 and my doctor just put me on Lexapro about four months ago and I can’t stop gaining weight no matter what I do I’m so frustrated
I am also 56!! It is a struggle. Hang in there and know that you are not alone 🙂
Love the blog and everything resonates to me. I feel so much better after a month on keto lifestyle and have dropped 21 lbs. woohoo 🥳 and now that we are allowed to shop in stores went and splurged in new clothes. Super happy 😃 thank you Amy
Thank you, Amy for all you do
Thank You for all you do to help others to understand the keto WOL and have a happier, healthier lifestyle.
Thanks for the blog! I am in my 60’s and had to undergo a long road before embracing this lifestyle. It is much more difficult to lose the years 9f accumulated weight and fat when aging.
Thankfully, since mid April of 2021, I have lost 31 lbs and I feel better than I have in decades.
I personally, do not purchase pre-packaged or processed snacks or foods. I believe they are a cash grab, however, I understand that many people need the convenience of these.
I also believe that with diligence and commitment, we can all research and find a suitable solution for our personal needs.
I do, however enjoy your blogs and all of the info that you share.
I am definitely a woman over 40. I struggle with yo yo dieting and consider myself addicted to food. I have not been doing keto for a while but I do follow you and think you give wonderful advice. I am ready to start and kill this thing. Thanks for all of your support.
Love this. Thank you
How about those of us who are pushing 70 and fell off the keto wagon?
I’m 75 this year I don’t think I have a hormone left. Am enjoying your blog. Now on blood thinners and antibiotics but getting better each day. The modere products great the go and trim. The low carb is going to help m inflammation go away
I’m about to turn 60 and so looking forward to living my healthiest life thanks to you and keto! Thank you so much.
I’ve experienced the benefits before and I’m committing to get back on
Thanks Amy! I’m 51 and this is very encouraging! You are awesome!
I am 59 and have lost 70 lbs. Still waiting for the better sleep and energy.
Thank you for all your info
Thanks Amy
Needed to read this
Covid had been a struggle
Back on the wagon🤞
Thanks Amy, I’ve been off the wagon for a while and need to jump back on. These articles help!
Thanks Amy. I enjoyed your blog, it is encouraging. I have also fallen and need to get back with this lifestyle.
I too have been off and on the wagon and needed these words of encouragement to fully embrace it again. I lost 62 lbs and have gained it back during the last year with Coivid and a knee surgery.
❤️❤️ Thank you, Amy!
I am a woman over 50 ready to begin a KETO lifestyle. Thank you Amy for all that you do!
Thank you Amy! Very nice article
The hormonal hot flashes in menopause are killing me lol
52 and hot flashes like crazy
I went thru menopause early. Several years ago. Then I lost 60 lbs. My fibromyalgia was getting worse. They put me n gabapentin. I gained it all back. I’m going thru hot flashes all over again. I’ve started back on Keto. Keto is the only lifestyle that’s acceptable in my eyes.
I’m 55 and starting Keto tomorrow. I have a lot of learning and ready to look and feel good again.
Thank you for sharing information! I have been trying to be a low carb way of eating since February 2021 and doing Intermittent Fasting and have lost nearly 80 pounds. This past week has been a struggle staying on the way of eating and it shows on the scale. If I could never eat it would be so much easier! I am downloading your Keto Guide to maybe give me more motivation for a better week this week. I just get so bummed when I don’t have the will power to stay on track.
I’m going on 70. I am with you!
Hi I just wanted to let you know that all you wrote above is absolutely true. I am 70 years old and I am so glad I found the keto diet. I have been on it now for three weeks and I have never felt so better in my life.
I needed to hear this again so I can restart and restore
Great blog!! Thank you Amy for all your hard work and great information!!
Thanks for your information!
Thank you for your blogs…love reading them…
Amy, should we post menopausal women later our macros or do you truly believe we can lose with the 5, 20 and 75? I lost 70 lbs, stalled for a year and now have weight creeping on. Any advice would be appreciated
I really need to get this extra weight off. I was on keto and doing great. Then I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I kinda fell off the wagon. My cancer was from my hormones, so I was put on medication to put me in menopause. How I have gained more weight.
My husband and I did keto for about a year, lost weight and felt great! Unfortunately life got in the way and we both gained our weight back. I’m very excited to have support to get back in gear!
Love this ❤
Good words, Amy; thanks!
With you 100% !!!!
Thanks Amy for your education and the time you put in to teach us. I have found help in using Keto and am 65. So thanks again for what you do.
I am 67 and need to get myself back to Keto. Thanks for everything you do for others!
Thank you Amy for discussing this topic! Definitely hit home. Now it’s time for me to make a plan and stick to it!
Thanks Amy! I’m 56 and just had a total knee replacement. I have had problems with inflammation until I started keto. My knee feels so much better. I’m still learning the ends and outs but Amy’s page has helped so much. Thanks for all you do, Amy!!!
Thank you Amy! I’m 55 and what a great article! I hope this next week is better for you! Enjoy you and all your great Keto information!
I’lol be 41 next month. I had a hysterectomy a few years back so a lot of the hormonal stress got to me early on…Keto definitely helped me manage that transition for sure.
I was doing keto and fell off due to changes within my life. I feel in control again and would like to restart my keto or Low carb lifestyle again. Thank you for the inspiration. Im ready!
Thanks for the motivation. Gotta get back to tracking
I so wish I had known about KETO 18 yrs ago before I had my gastric by-pass surgery, in my early 50’s. Thank you for all the people (including me) that you have helped.
It hasn’t been easy. Some days are better than others. One step at a time. Thanks for your words of encouragement.
Thank you!
I think keto is perfect for those of us over 40. Thanks for all your help.
Thanks for all your great advice Amy, 40 pounds lighter and feeling great
I had no idea that Keto could help balance my hormones as I approach my menopausal years. This helps me be reassured that I’m heading the right direction for weight loss AND it will help keep my hormones balanced in the years ahead. 😊
40 was a breeze. 60 is something else. But I’m not giving up. Thanks Amy
I started the keto diet about three months ago. I haven’t been as diligent as I should have been but still have been able to maintain a seventeen pound weight loss. I feel so much better!! I am a three time breast cancer survivor and am currently on an oral chemo pill and steroids. It has been the only diet or as I call it lifestyle change that has worked at all with all the surgeries and medications that I have had to take. I had two mastectomies nine years apart and ten surgeries all together. I am so grateful to God to be alive! I have been cancer free now for three years. I am praying that I can keep this lifestyle up and continue weight loss until I reach my goal. Thank you so much for your blog and being so helpful in everything you do. You are a Godsend!
I really like the blog. I’m 59. Have been keto for 2 1/2 years . I have more energy and feel good. I’m constantly learning new things and have recently tried the Modere products.
It’s a journey …
Thanks for all that you do .
Thank you for all you do!! I appreciate all of your help and all of the information!
Thank you Amy reminding me that at age 47 my body is changing and this doesn’t have to be the new normal. I love all your words of wisdom and encouragement!
I’m approaching 65. Have had a complete hysterectomy 2 years ago. Keto worked before my surgery, I hope it will work again. I need to lose this weight for my health more than anything. Thank you for all your support. It’s good to read that I’m not alone.
thank you for always staying in touch. you are so encourging.
Thank you Amy for your continued guidance in this journey. I am a woman over 40 who struggles and you always seem to have good advice
Thank you so much Amy. This committee has helped me so much. In my 50 years I have never understood food the way that I do now.
Thank you for this Amy I am 49 I just can’t lose this weight I am a whopping 315 pounds. Just started Keto wish me luck. Currently no health issues but I am on my way to losing this weight. Thank you keep pushing us❤️
Well as a 55 yr old woman with many Heath issues following you for a few yrs now. this way of life has definitely gave me a life line .I was able to get healthy enough to get my toxic implants out! And now I’m back on tract to a healing and healthier life .thank you ..are just too small of words💜
Thank you for this post!! Just what I needed to get back to a keto lifestyle and feeling better!
Thank you Amy for your time, dedication and awesomeness!! We ❤️ you!!
Thank you
Thank you. This was right on time as I just made the conscious decision to restart my keto journey and get back on a healthier and happy lifestyle.
Thank you Amy. I am struggling right now I have put on 60 pounds and so unhappy. I am trying to start again thank you for all you do!
Thank you! I am 57 and need to restart keto. I felt so much better when I was consistent.
Thank you for this Amy. I am struggling a bit on my keto journey, appreciate the additional information around hormonal and other issues that we experience as we age. I am continuing forward with a new energy.
I feel like your blog was speaking to me this week! As a woman over 40, I have done many diets (low fat, no fat, etc). However, thanks to you, Amy, I feel like I have finally found the way that works and is helping me lose. My autoimmune diseases have even been in remission!! Thanks for all your hard work! I appreciate!!
I am 42 and in surgical induced menopause! I have been doing hard 75 for 50 days. Zero weightloss! Been yo yo the same 5 pounds for months. I am feeling broken and disheartened
Love the blog and information for us that are way over 40. I was doing very good on keto but fell off the wagon during the COVID-19 scare. I’m now trying to get things in control. Thanks for all you do.
Thank you Amy
I need to get back on track. Im 59 and 15 lbs to heavy
I’m so thankful for researching keto and finding your group. I was once again depressed whole body in pain and just didn’t have enough energy to do anything. This has been such an amazing experience and I absolutely love the Modere products I use. I just ordered the green axis phytogeeens to try but I’ve haven’t seen any video of you promoting these new products from Modere. If you did I missed it and apologize. I looked over the ingredients and it looks okay to take if it’s not please let me know.
I need to get back on track…. Good read for over 40
I need to get back on track…. Good read for over 40. I’m having trouble staying on but I’ll keep trying and thank you for all of your help.
I am 63 Husband is 68! I have been doing yo-yo diets so much In my lifetime. It truly has been a struggle more so after my ovaries were taken out in 2005. I have been following your site for several years and have learned so much.
If it wasn’t for your encouragement with FB page I would be so much worse off.
We have worked at a private hunting Lodge14 years, only thing healthy we serve is salad and a few vegetables. It is hard to leave homemade sour-dough bread, cornbread and Home made dessert alone after cooking it all day! It makes us fell so bad eating junk!
Then my husband and I will start Keto when not in the busy season. We feel so much better, BUT THEN stress in life happens like so many will tell you you fall off the wagon!
I had foot surgery In May I am in cast with no weight bearing for at least 3 more weeks. Using wheelchair mostly along with crutches. It is tuff.
BUT we both have agreed the excuses have to stop because if we don’t take care of ourselves now we aren’t going to be able to enjoy our years we have left on this earth. Our health is both declining an NO unhealthy food is worth it. He is very supportive when we are on Keto. So with the help of Amy UCANKETO and her great Team and all the great keto recipes I have been collecting with my foot propped up we are getting ready to be keto strong!! When I fix dishes for Lodge I will taste it, chew it and remove it from the mouth!!
All us 40 an over Men and Women can do this for ourselves!! No sugar and flour is worth destroying our lives anymore.
LET’S BE THE BEST WE CAN BE AND BE AN EXAMPLE FOR OUR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS! With Amy’s help and we might can try some Modere too. It has proved it’s self with a lot of folks on here!
Thanks so much Amy for posting this Blog! I am so glad I went through my Emails tonight!!
Amy, this isn’t a response to your over 40 post but a testimonial to the impact you’ve had on me. I actually started KETO the same time you did but did not find out about you until a few months later when I had lost most of the 85 pounds that I am down. I learned so much from you and it was like having a friend do this with me. But I digress. What I wanted to tell you is that I tell everyone about you. Last night I was in the grocery store reading the label on KETO ice cream (which I often do but never buy) and a young girl told her mother she should buy KETO ice cream, She said “I’m done with that KETO diet”. I am an introvert but I whipped around and told her not to give up. I told her a little about me and a lot about you when she asked if I did it with pills!! Cut out the bread and sugar first. You can do this. She thanked me sincerely–I’ll be looking for her in the grocery and I hope she reaches out to our group and our leader. Thank you so much Amy.
Thanks Amy!