The choice between liquid collagen or powdered collagen is a personal one (but please read on because I do not recommend powdered personally). All of this new information on the importance of collagen in your diet is great! It helps from skin, to hair, to weight loss, and gut health. But with new information and science comes a little confusion as to which is the best way to add it to your diet. 

The biggest decision is often made when you consider how taking it will fit into your daily routine, well, for me at least! So let’s consider a few options. 

Powdered collagen:

Powder collagen is flavorless and can easily be added to smoothies, yogurt and coffee/creamer. Modere even has a delicious collagen packed coffee creamer called Logiq that pairs awesome with Logiq coffee (with added MCT oil!)

(click here to learn more about my Loqiq Duo!)

Powder collagen is favored by those who have a regimented morning routine for example. You get up and make a coffee, add your collagen, and go about your day. Which is why I love that my coffee already contains the patented collagen found in my liquid gold (more below!).

So what’s the downside? It can be clumpy or chalky if not mixed well (unless it’s a Modere product, just saying..) and it can be challenging to measure the perfect amount daily if you are someone who is on-the-go. Oh and the BIGGEST downside? I have watched countless people have their weight loss stalled when they are using things like collagen peptides for example.

Liquid collagen:

Or liquid gold as I like to call it! Liquid collagen is the most bioavailable way to consume collagen. With so many options available, liquid collagen has become a favorite of mine. Trim and Pure, both by Modere have become a staple in the Hightower household! 

(click here to read more about my liquid gold)

Liquid collagen options are a fun and flavorful way to consume collagen and get all of the benefits into your body in the easiest way possible. 

So what’s the downside of liquid collagen? I don’t think there is a downside, but if I had to choose one or two it would be that not everyone loves the flavor of the liquid collagen options. They can also be tough to travel with. 

The good news is that versatility is the name of the game! Between bone broth, collagen drinks, coffee’s and creamers – there is no reason you couldn’t fit collagen into any lifestyle or schedule! 

Liquid Collagen Wins for me …

The truth is, consuming collagen stimulates your body’s natural collagen production, encouraging skin and tissue rejuvenation. The benefits on your gut health are a great way to naturally heal your gut and reduce inflammation in your body. These are both equally important pieces of our health journey! The fact that we can do ALL of this and remain Keto is encouraging to those of us who are on this journey to be in the best health we have ever known! 

Whichever way you choose to enjoy collagen products is entirely up to you and your lifestyle. The cross between science and health has been bringing us the most convenient ways to ensure we are taking care of the most important person in our lives: Ourself. 

So tell me this….

How do you prefer to enjoy your collagen?

Talk Soon,


liquid collagen

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 



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