Last year getting ready to go on a trip was a chore! Not only did I have to figure out what to pack, which shoes to wear, gather up all of my bathroom things but I had to pack an extra bag for ALL OF THE SUPPLEMENTS I was taking. Then often if I was staying for more than just a few days, I would sometimes run out because I had tried to skimp on a product to save room in my suitcase. Ugh.. that is so 2023!

2024 has been all about creating wellness and protecting my peace. That’s why today, on this Wellness Wednesday, I decided to finally tell you guys all about my NEW daily routine! Not only am I feeling better using these products but I went from something like 23 different supplements (trust me I know, that sounds crazy to say out loud) every day to FOUR!

Yes, you read that right. I said FOUR. These amazing four products are changing my life a little every day.

You guys know I don’t endorse things I don’t personally use. I’m not a fan of the hype. I’m not going to fall into every labeled product that says its keto friendly or share it with you unless I have personally checked it out. UCANKETO can stand on that fact. So when I was presented with these different products, I was hesitant. I knew for myself that I wanted a change. I was tired of the constant overload of products that I took every day and that made me think that maybe you were too. Honestly though, the thought of change just wore me out and I didn’t know if I had it in me.

After much talk back and forth, conversations with Tiffany and our husbands as well as feedback from some of our closest friends, we gave in and tried these products. This was to get our own honest opinions before we told you guys, UCANKETO about any of it. Going into this we were skeptical. We were meh. We had already made up our minds to not be impressed.

BUT, that wasn’t what happened. At all.

Instant impact products are usually a lot of “promise you this & expect that” build up that only leads to meh results. We have all been there and having that let down can kind of leave you with a much to be desired feeling. I get it. These products are the real deal. Being able to FEEL the changes in your brain and your energy level within a very short time of taking the first drink has been mind blowing. And if that was all there was to it– that would be one thing–but its so so much more!

This has lead us to believe more and more in these products every single day. The stories and testimonies we are hearing about the increased impact they are having on people that had given up hope has been nothing short of phenomenal. I can only speak for myself (and Tiffany :D) on how I feel and how things have changed for me!

Every morning now instead of using multiple products before I even really start the day, I use THREE. ZERO PILLS and I can take them all together at one time (or alone) if I choose, any time I choose! How amazing is that. These 3 products help keep my brain focused, increase my motivation, ease my gut, push me to get stuff done and close all the tabs that just randomly pop open during the day. My iron levels have increased, my gut health is better and I am just getting more things finished in my day instead of running around wondering what I was supposed to be doing! That just simply makes me grateful!

To finish out the day, one packet of bedtime collagen with my new friend, GABA. This helps keep all of those squirrels from coming out and I drift off into dreamland without ever counting sheep, but also allows me to wake up feeling rested and refreshed for the next day.

Now I don’t know if any of this sounds like anything you need–or if you are like me and just are tired of taking supplements all day long–but if you need help getting all of the ISH done that you have been putting off, if you need some gut health, maybe some extra in sleep department–these products could possibly be exactly what your looking for in 2024!

Any of this info can be found in the UCANKETO facebook group–but you can also get more info on these products (and a few more) by visiting MY STORE and checking it out!

Be sure to pop into the group and let us know if you try my new routine! As always I am grateful for you!

xoxo, Amy



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