Let’s not sugarcoat this topic; we all need to consider these tips for keto on a budget.

The current inflation rates on groceries, in particular, have caused many to reconsider their health goals.

Making weight loss a priority is a big task.

Still, the increased cost of living just adds another layer of challenges.

You have built the courage to make a massive change to your health and wellness; now, we need to ensure you have the desire to stick with it! Your previous food costs were likely lower because you had been stocking up on processed foods with little nutritional value.

So, how can this work for anyone and everyone?

You budget. 

Just like any other area of your life that needs an overhaul, some planning could help offset the increased cost of buying food that is nourishing for your body. 

Here is a List of 5 Ways to Eat Keto on a Budget:

Buy in Bulk.

This can feel like a considerable expense when you begin, but over time and as you use up the foods you’ve purchased, you’ll realize you’re actually saving money long-term.

Bulk items are often cheaper than smaller packaged items, and you are often left with less packaging.

If saving the environment is important to you, this is a step that shouldn’t be missed.

Items I think are best bought in bulk are eggs, nuts, beans, oils, and even meat! Anything that is non-perishable or things you can freeze are perfect for bulk purchases. Especially meat!

Skip already prepared Keto foods.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of buying for convenience. When I began my Keto journey, there weren’t that many keto-friendly foods I could buy that were already prepared.

This is where I learned to cook and have come to enjoy it.

But aside from that, prepared foods sometimes come with preservatives, often at a high price. I still love the convenience of some things, like snacks to travel with and bone broth. (Kettle and Fire is my FAV bone broth → save here!)

But to be honest, I realized that bone broth could be expensive and time-consuming to make, so I think buying it just makes more sense for me (plus, I can’t match Kettle and Fire’s recipe). 

Plan those meals!

Meal planning has been my saving grace. When meals are planned, the preparation, thought, and work is put to rest.

Plus, there is much less wasted food when meals are prepared ahead of time. Whether you prepare by making and packing your meals for the week or start with menu planning, you will save money, time, and stress!

My Facebook group will give you access to meal plans, meal prep ideas, and recipes – so don’t skip out on this part! → Join HERE!

This leads to my next point, join an online community!

This is a great way to have some accountability, share recipes, get links to online sales, quickly get new ideas to save time and money, and share your progress.

When I think of my journey to losing over a hundred pounds and regaining my health, I know I couldn’t have continued to maintain my healthiest body weight without a community.

My Ucanketo group has been my most significant source of inspiration and accountability. The expenses involved in changing the way you eat can easily become an excuse to stop.

Still, this community has kept me and nearly 200 thousand others going!

Buy frozen over fresh produce and vegetables.

When produce isn’t in season, it’s higher priced and lower quality. Keto-friendly berries, cauliflower, and broccoli are much more affordable and easy to use frozen. Plus, frozen produce still contains its nutrient values, so they are just as nutritious. 

These are my top recommendations for keeping keto on a budget. 

I hope you have found something you can work with that will make this journey one you can stick with!

Talk soon,

Amy XO

Keto on a budget

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 

Here is a blog on the Top 5 supplements I recommend for Keto

Here is a blog on the 5 Biggest Mistakes on Keto



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