There is so much information floating around about how Keto can affect your mood. What you choose to believe or not is entirely up to you. However, the truth is there just is not enough long term evidence to suggest what is believable or not – so, here is my take on ….

Keto and my mood.
Reduced Inflammation

The reduction in inflammation in my body has allowed me to feel better. Most days, I even feel really good. The reduction in inflammation because of a Keto lifestyle will reduce the instances of illness, and it will reduce the severity of symptoms. In a nutshell, my mood has improved simply because a Keto lifestyle naturally reduces inflammation in my body. 

Smashing Goals

Meeting weight loss goals feels good. Meeting any goal feels good, but when you have been a long time yo-yo’er or have seen a steady increase in weight that felt impossible to lose – and now you’re losing it? This makes me feel good, this improves my confidence and my mood! 

And truthfully, smashing any goal feels amazing. 

Increased Energy

The Keto road was a bumpy one in the very beginning. I made a lot of mistakes, had to restart several times, and have had to really be clear on Keto being a lifestyle rather than a diet…

But once I did, my mood changed because I was committed and I had more energy than I think I ever had before. Feeling sluggish, that sugar crash after a carb heavy meal or candy, and the disrupted sleep pre-Keto all disrupted my energy levels. Life felt like a constant roller-coaster of feeling blah and unmotivated to take care of myself physically. 

Now that I have all of this energy, I’m able to focus on what really matters; like supporting this Keto community and ensuring I remain the healthiest version of myself. 


Learning new things is always a mood-booster for me. Since starting Keto almost a decade ago I have learned more about my body, my relationship with food, and how food can be the ultimate fuel for my body and mind than I could have ever imagined! The continued learning, sharing information and seeing the joy in others when they are feeling good about themselves is a great source of happiness for me – as I’m sure it is for others as well! 

Keto Just Feels Good?

There may be many mixed messages about how Keto affects your mood biologically, but I am here to tell you that in a group of over 189K people – even on down days, we feel better than we did before Keto entered our lives! Being overweight, obese, unhealthy, sedentary and sick certainly affects your mood. Feelings of unworthiness, sadness, stress, defeat, and uncertainty can have horrible effects on how we regulate our moods (or not). 

What’s not to love about learning, growing, increased energy, being a part of a community, helping others, losing weight, being more active, being less sick, shopping for new clothes, and having more energy to do the things you love?!

If you ask me, this is how Keto has an effect on my mood! How has it affected yours?

Amy XO

Keto and your mood

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 



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