What is your personal frequency?

Your frequency is your state of being—how you act and how you feel. The higher your frequency is, the happier and more productive you are. Finding YOUR frequency can help you heal and move towards your highest potential.

The power of frequency is the idea that everything in the universe is made up of energy, which vibrates at different frequencies. The higher the vibration, the more powerful the energy. Our thoughts and emotions vibrate at different frequencies, and these frequencies can affect our

*physical health

*our relationships

*our overall well-being

 For example, if we think negative thoughts, we will vibrate at a lower frequency. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and physical illness.

On the other hand, if we think positive thoughts, we will vibrate at a higher frequency. This can lead to feelings of happiness, peace, and well-being. The frequency we give out attracts other things to us on the same frequency. So, if we want to attract positive things into our lives, we need to vibrate at a higher frequency.

There are many ways to raise our vibration. One way is to meditate and pray. Meditation helps us to calm our minds and focus on positive thoughts. Prayer connects us to a greater and higher power. Another way to raise our vibration is to spend time in nature. Nature has a high vibration, and spending time in nature can help us to connect with this high vibration. Take your shoes off and walk in the grass or lay down and take a break under a tree!

We can also raise our vibration by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly helps to cleanse our bodies and minds of toxins, which can lower our vibration. Even though eating keto helps, we cannot get all of the good things we need in the foods we eat so having quality supplements is a must. I have been using a new Rise & Vibe combo that has really helped fill in nutritional gaps in my diet. This instant impact duo provides mental wellness, energy and brain benefits. It’s also packed with minerals to help support healthy bones and muscles as well as electrolytes to support the body’s proper water and pH balance. Please head on over and check it out @Frequense.com/?fr=588569 Then meet me in UCANKETO for all the details!

Finally, we can raise our vibration by surrounding ourselves with positive people. Positive people have a high vibration, and spending time with them can help us to raise our own vibration.

The power of frequency is a powerful tool that we can use to improve our lives. By understanding the power of frequency, we can learn to raise our vibration and attract positive things into our lives.





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