When you begin making a lifestyle change, your mindset is everything; your keto mindset will propel you toward success. This blog is about unlocking your Keto mindset (and sharing ways on how I got there).

It’s easy to say you want a different life. It’s easy for some to start what they believe to be new habits. The hard part is following through when you don’t see the expected results and continuing to make changes towards your success and not sabotage. 

What worked when I made mindset shifts towards continued keto success? 

Unlocking Your Keto Mindset

  1. Knowing exactly why you are making this change and believing you can do it. A solid belief that you can and will make keto work for you will be the foundation of your future. Why are you making this change? Is it health? Weightloss? Do you love to challenge yourself? Longevity? There are many reasons you may want to live a keto lifestyle. Only YOU can know exactly why you want this, and only YOU can believe in yourself enough to stick it out.
  2. Have a strategy. This is not the same as expectations, and the strategy should not be inclusive of “weight loss” or “being healthier.” I mean, what steps will you take in the beginning? What steps will you take when you hit a plateau? What will your strategy be when you have the keto flu? Your plan will include any foreseeable circumstances that may arise to sabotage your success. It will also include how you will celebrate your wins!
  3. Be specific with the steps you will take to ensure you succeed. These steps can include joining a virtual keto community, creating meal plans, planning shopping, reading menus online, being prepared when eating at a restaurant, and scheduling walks or workouts. Whatever the steps are, be specific and include details. It’s like they say, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Don’t let this be you!
  4. Notice what is happening around you when you feel you may not follow through. Is this a situation that can be avoided? Is there someone who can support you? An accountability partner? Instead of letting yourself feel like a failure and quit, pay attention to the patterns in your environment. We don’t always recognize when we are feeling stressed, but our habits sure do. Remember, you have committed yourself. This is a huge accomplishment and one you deserve to celebrate. 
  5. Journal your highs and your lows. I didn’t begin to journal regularly until a handful of years ago. Journaling has made this experience make more sense. I can look back and see where I struggle. I can also look back and see when I am the most successful. Keeping track of what is working well for you is the easiest way to keep doing that thing. 

I’ve worked with a few different journals. Let me know in the comments if you need suggestions on where to start!

Affirmations can help with motivation.

But it will be your habits and your belief in yourself that will bring long-lasting change. When you become used to positive changes, you raise your standards. Writing down all the things you’ll no longer accept and all the things you want to become and achieve creates accountability. What do you expect of yourself?

If you will raise your standards, you must believe you can achieve them. Once you’ve raised your standards and decided on the habits you want to change, it only makes sense to modify your limiting beliefs and remove your doubts! 

Your keto mindset will be your key to success!

Amy XO

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey

p.p.s. Need some mindset hacks? Check out this blog here.



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