People often ask me if I have noticed an improvement in my mental wellness since I started keto years ago.

To tell you the truth, I had never really thought about it until just over a year ago.

  1. Busyness
  2. Building a business
  3. My physical health
  4. Family
  5. Constantly being in a state of learning … had all kept me thinking about other things and paying attention to the physical aspect of it all.

Once I took the time to consider mental clarity and wellness, I began to notice all of the people who have said that next to physically looking and feeling better on keto, they felt clearer, happier and more mentally well than they had in a long time. 

Keto Is Not Just Physical

Keto has had a profound impact on the weight loss industry. And, has allowed people to safely take back control of their weight, in turn taking back control of their health. Something that has become more widely talked about is keto’s impact on mental wellness.

The balance between physical wellness and mental wellness is now what people are working towards, and a keto diet has remained at the forefront of this movement. 

It was previously thought that there were aspects of keto that could make people unwell, but more and more evidence points at keto improving blood pressure, insulin levels, inflammation and good cholesterol. The health benefits have far outweighed the speculation of health issues related to keto living.

Keto and your Mental Wellness

More recently, as researchers have been studying keto, they have learned the diet has also balanced neurotransmitters (that connect our feel good hormones) as a result of improved gut health.

A healthy gut (also referred to as our second brain) is the key to improved mental wellness and clarity. So basically we have not only lost weight and gained back control of our health and how we move through each day, but our mental wellness has become the goal towards living our very best lives!

Here’s the truth, when I was overweight I didn’t feel good about myself. 

I thought losing weight would make my life better, that was the goal.

I was sick, I was tired of being tired and I felt like I had lost control over something that seemed so simple – what I ate. When the weight started falling off, I felt really good about that.

People noticed, they complimented me, I got to shop for new clothes, I put myself in a  position to help others do the same…what was not to feel good about? 

I Just Feel Better

What I realize now is that it wasn’t entirely physical. I was sleeping better which meant I was more tolerant of others. My relationships improved. I spent more time outdoors doing things I loved.

My body didn’t feel like it was in a constant battle with itself so I could spend my days more energized – these were all side effects of having a healthier gut.

With all of this being said, I feel more motivated than ever to share the healthiest version of myself and how I got here with all of you. From meal plans to recipes.

From supplements to knowledge about what our bodies need to function at their best. My journey through keto and my mental wellness is something I will continue to share with all of you!

Lastly, I have been much more intentional with journaling too — I didn’t realize the benefits until I made it a priority. Now, it’s part of my EVERY day! I really like the Lightbulb Moments Journal as I’ve mentioned before that you can get HERE

Amy XO

Keto wellness

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey

p.p.s. In case you missed my October Top 10 here you go!



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