With families getting back into school routines now, more than ever, these meal prep tips will come in handy!

For many families, summertime is full of time off work and school, trips, sports, and extended time outside. Routines are different or non-existent, and the summer can become a food free-for-all.

Now that the kids are returning to school, it’s time to get back to meal planning and prepping.

And if you’re like me, even without kids, returning to school signifies a return to routines.

So what are some simple ways to prepare meals that are more affordable and convenient?

6 Meal Prep Tips | Keto or Otherwise

Let me know which ones you are going to give a try!

Boil eggs in batches.

The ten minutes it takes to boil an egg is not that much time. When you consider the length of time it takes for the water to boil, then for the egg to cool, you’ve spent at least 30 minutes or more preparing a single egg. This is why I love to cook them in batches. Once they’re boiled and cooled, they can be kept in the fridge for snacks that can either be packed for school or work. They also make an excellent topping for a salad, deviled eggs are a delicious snack, and egg salad are all quick and easy ways to use boiled eggs.

Shred your cheese and use MCT oil to prevent sticking.

Save time and money by shredding a brick of cheese and storing it in a ziplock or fridge/freezer-safe container. The MCT oil prevents it from sticking!

Keep a running grocery list!

It’s a more efficient use of time to get everything you need in one grocery store visit. Use a pad or a small whiteboard in the kitchen to jot down items as you realize they need to be replenished. This way, when you get to the grocery store, you’ll be able to check everything off your list without running back for one item.

Purchase meat in bulk and store it as single serving.

(or whatever your family size is) packages! Meat is always cheaper when bought in bulk, and it is super easy to store in a family or single-sized ziplocks or containers. Plus, it all fits neater in the freezer when stored this way. When it is time to prepare a meal, it can be quickly taken out and defrosted!

Make casseroles or soups ahead of time and store them as single portions.

When evenings get super busy, it is helpful to have home-cooked keto meals ready to go! Another stackable favorite when they are placed in single-serving fridge or freezer-safe containers!

If you are not an avid fan/consumer of Kettle & Fire bone broth (like I am, especially with a discount!), making your own and storing it in the freezer in single servings is a great idea.

Bone broth takes days to make, so you do not want to waste it!

The nutritional benefits are unmatched, so having a running stash of bone broth is always an intelligent meal prep and keto idea!

Meal prep saves more time than just preparing food.

It saves the energy in figuring out what you and your family will eat when you have already had a busy day. It will save you from the chaos of figuring out what to eat when the day has not gone as expected. More than anything, it will free up time to spend with your loved ones or just alone with yourself!

Hopefully, these tips have helped. Let me know in the comments which meal prep tips are your favorite!

Talk soon,

Amy XO

Keto meal prep tips


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