There are many more than 5 ways sugar harms your health; there are likely hundreds. But, I want to share with you the top 5 ways according to what I have seen and experienced since starting this keto journey. 

The average American diet is based on sugar.

Sugar is added to everything from popular breakfast foods, to sauces, to seasonings, to desserts and drinks. Sugar has been linked to some cancers, autoimmune diseases, and diabetes.

It’s been related to advanced aging and dehydration. The lists are endless. 

A big reason the keto world interested me was that it forced me to eliminate refined sugars. I did not realize this was a massive step in my healing process at the time! I had no idea how much sugar was contributing to the inflammation in my body.

With that being said, here are …

5 Ways Sugar harms your Health

  1. Sugar causes spikes in blood glucose levels. This may not seem like a big deal, but blood glucose’s constant rise and fall damages cells and causes your pancreas to work overtime. All of this work to stabilize your blood sugar causes you to crash, meaning you’ll suddenly become exhausted/lethargic throughout the day. Rapid swings in blood glucose also contribute to headaches, cravings, and mood swings.
  1. Sugar intake increases the risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. All the research has shown that the more sugar a person consumes, the higher their risk of experiencing obesity. Heart disease and diabetes are also more common in those who consume a high sugar diet. 
  1. Sugar will accelerate the aging process. The more sugar you consume, the faster you lose elasticity in your skin because sugar damages your cell structure. Also, adding collagen to your diet after committing to a keto lifestyle is an excellent addition to your new health regimen. 
  1. Sugar is a significant cause of tooth decay. Tooth decay is not only painful, but it’s expensive. If you have ever experienced tooth pain, you know that it cannot be ignored. Consider both the time you have to take away from work and the cost of dental repair, and sugar is not worth this hassle alone. Sugar damages teeth more than any other food substance.
  1. Sugar replaces other essential nutrients that your body needs. Sugar interferes with your gut biome, making the absorption of crucial nutrients more difficult. In addition, when foods and drinks are full of sugar, they are often void of other nutrients.  

There are many other ways sugar harms your health.

I hope this can spark a conversation or a thought!

One that inspires you to make a change or stay on track with your keto goals! 

This keto journey is about achieving the best health your body can be in, including leaving behind the fast, high-sugar foods, snacks, and drinks and replacing them with nutritionally dense foods that will improve your health. 

Until next time, I hope you have found value in the 5 ways sugar harms your health!

Talk Soon,


sugar harms your health


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