As y’all know I am the biggest supporter of the keto community, and I want to share what benefits joining this community can bring to your personal keto journey!

I began this journey years ago as a Dr. Pepper and Oreo enthusiast.

I mean, that was what the majority of my diet consisted of. The other part of my diet consisted of fast food and no concept of portion control or nutrition. 

Fast forward to today, and the ucanketo community is supporting tens of thousands of people just like you and I.

From what I have seen and heard over the years, there is a theme surrounding why people do best on keto when they are an active member of a support group!

Welcome to our Keto Community

To gain relevant knowledge.

There is so much information online that can pull you in all kinds of directions. This overload of information can make things confusing, and it becomes challenging to know what to prioritize especially in the beginning or when you have plateaued.

I know that for the first two years of my own keto journey, I made so many mistakes and believed what people told about ketosis, who were also misinformed, that I almost threw in the towel several times.

My biggest goal with this community is to give you accurate, safe, and encouraging information so that all you have to do is show up and take it all in! 

To avoid boredom.

I don’t know about you, but I am no chef. I enjoy very simple flavors and foods, and I can be a bit picky sometimes. With that being said, this has prevented me from trying new things over the years.

So, when I began this keto journey I was eating bacon, eggs, and cheese. I tried different variations of these, but I think many of you get the point. Searching for new authentic keto recipes and testing them out in my own kitchen and community has opened my eyes (or tastebuds) to new foods, ways of preparing foods, and how to keto-improvise when it is needed!

The recipe’s I share are a valuable resource, and at this point there are so many of them that I’m sure you can discover a few favorites yourself! There is absolutely no reason to be bored on keto, I’ll  make sure of that!


This was another piece of this journey I lacked in the beginning.

It’s hard for family and friends to hold you accountable when they aren’t on the same journey or aren’t experiencing the same health challenges that are weight related, as you may be.

With over 190 thousand members, there are people in the ucanketo group that have been where you are, and who are where you want to be. They are invested in YOUR success, and they want us all to win!

Hearing how others are facing and overcoming obstacles is inspiring to us all, and this is something that has been invaluable.

There are more benefits of joining a keto community, as I’m sure you can think of.

But for me, these were the most notable benefits, and it’s all free!

I hope as a ucanketo community member, you are getting everything you want and need out of this group! The knowledge, the resources to avoid boredom and the accountability are enough to keep you on track to living your best life, hassle-free! 

Let me know in the comments what you think about the 3 benefits of joining a keto community! And, if you still need to join us .. CLICK HERE!

Talk soon,

Amy XO

Keto Community

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 

p.p.s. Here is a blog on the Top 5 supplements I recommend for Keto



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