Bored while keto and can’t shake it off? It’s not just you, I promise. Here are five ways to avoid becoming bored while on keto. 

Spending days tracking macros, making lists, and eating the same keto thing every day when you get up can be exhausting… and boring. 

The truth is people get bored on any diet, not just keto. It’s easy to find yourself in a food rut and to want to revert to old ways of eating.

I understand this more than anyone, so here is a list of five things that have helped me to avoid becoming bored while keto.

Say NO MORE to Being Bored While Keto

  1. Mix up your menu. I know this sounds simple, and your first reaction might be, “I do this all the time,” but are you really mixing it up? If you eat eggs and veggies every day for breakfast, this doesn’t mean eating different eggs and veggies. Try a keto smoothie to start your day or a keto chia pudding. If every lunch is a salad and protein, try a keto wrap or pizza, anything new. Recipes are abundant (check out hundreds inside my Keto Community here), likely more than you could ever get through in a lifetime online. 
  1. Step outside of your food box. Listen, I get it. I grew up on simple food and recipes, I’m not a fan of spice, and I think black pepper is spicy. This doesn’t mean you need to limit yourself to only eating keto-version of what you know. I have even found new keto recipes to be excited about (Check out my socials for examples!). Every type of cuisine in the world has keto versions that are not spicy. I have surprised myself by being what I consider “adventurous.” This can be as simple as using nuts as flavor enhancers or fresh herbs to garnish.
  1. Create an ambiance that makes mealtime exciting. Set the table, buy some new dishes, and use a glass carafe for water (throw a sliced lemon and a few raspberries in it for fun!). Many of us become so accustomed to rushing through meals or eating on the go that it becomes boring. Make your table inviting with flowers, treat yourself like a guest, and enjoy!
  1. Create a Pinterest board for keto recipes. A Pinterest board is the perfect way to keep track of new keto ideas and flavors you like. My Ucanketo Pinterest board is pretty good if I do say so myself. I haven’t added anything new lately; I guess this is my reminder to revisit it! There is no possibility of getting bored with the keto meals I have posted; take a look and let me know what you think!
  1. Back to the flavored water. This has been a fun point for me recently. Drinking endless glasses of water is boring. Drinking endless bottles of water is boring. Using a pretty glass carafe and adding fresh herbs or fruit slices is a game changer! Try something new if you’re a lemon and berry expert. Cucumber, mint, and lime are a beautiful mixture that tastes delicious and refreshing. Limes and blueberries are great, and of course, strawberries are a water staple during the spring months.

There are many ways to avoid boredom, including a self-care element that adds a little pizazz to each tip.

I use many more tips to alleviate keto boredom and take care of myself; if you have found this helpful, leave a comment, and I’ll return with some more. 

There is no way any of us should be bored on keto.

I hope you have found value in my five ways to avoid becoming bored while keto!

Amy XO

bored while keto

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 



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