Keto diets are known for reducing inflammation in the body and, a means to heal your gut. Inflammation sits at the root of many autoimmune diseases, and obesity is a huge contributor to many other diseases and ailments. So if you’re here, on your keto journey I know it’s because you have become serious about your health!

I can’t share enough about how keto has continued to impact and improve my own life, and I just want you to have the same shot at feeling as good as I do. 

Let’s get right into some foods (this isn’t even close to ALL the foods) that will help…

… to Heal your Gut

Bone Broth.

I know this isn’t new news to most of you, but I can’t say enough about how bone broth can help your body become AND stay healthy. It definitely helps with managing keto flu, but the collagen, amino acids, and ability to heal your gut have to be mentioned time and time again. It’s easy to digest so it gives your digestive system a break – and it promotes hair and nail growth while reducing bone pain and joint issues.

Kettle & Fire (Ongoing Discount Code is UCANKETO for my Keto Community family!) is my most highly recommended bone broth for all things keto!


This herb has been used for centuries to help reduce gas in the gut which is the cause of bloating and stomach pain. The menthol in peppermint relaxes the gut muscles, and this can provide relief from symptoms of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). A cup of peppermint tea before meals or before bed can help soothe your digestive system and promote the perfect environment for gut healing. 


I mean, avocados fix everything in my opinion. An avocado a day keeps the doctor away!

They’re high in healthy fats, they’re easy to digest, and they have the perfect amount of fibre so they don’t upset your stomach. 

Fermented Foods.

These include things like kimchi and sauerkraut which are super high in probiotics, so they strengthen your gut microbiome. Fermented foods help in digestion and gut healing – both of which are linked to improving sleep and reducing obesity. 


This has become a staple in so many households, which isn’t surprising since has endless benefits to gut health and healing. Turmeric is antifungal, antibacterial, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. This super-spice is great for cooking, and if you’re not big on it’s light flavor many people choose to purchase turmeric or carcumin (active ingredient in turmeric) supplements. 

I do take the one from PaleoValley (Discount Code for my UCANKETO family is PVFRIEND15 using my link over there!) in addition to using it in recipes.


This one can pack a punch so I feel like people either love it or hate it. But the truth is ginger has so many gut healing properties that I couldn’t leave it off the list. Ginger is full of healthy essential oils that soothe and heal the lining of the digestive tract, and it is also antimicrobial so it helps to arm your gut against viral or bacterial harm. Whether you cook with it, take it as a supplement, or sit down with a hot cup of ginger tea – you’re doing exactly what your gut needs you to do to promote healing. 


Butter contains butyric acid which improves digestive health and reduces inflammation in your gut. Plus, we all know butter is great for keto – and it tastes like happiness feels. This in itself is a great benefit to feeling good.

There are so many other foods and spices that could be added to this list, my thoughts are to incorporate more gut healing foods and ingredients to the recipes I share with y’all as I test them out for my own Keto-Approval!

What are your thoughts? Is this something you’d like to have included?

Also be sure to check out last weeks blog which was the first in ‘Steps to Healing your Gut on Keto

Amy XO

Heal your Gut

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey 



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