Are friends, family, and/or colleagues asking for gift giving suggestions, but you don’t know what to say? Keto gift giving does not need to be complicated, and it certainly should not have you thinking beyond this blog to look for ideas.

Gift giving during the holidays is fun, receiving thoughtful gifts is nice; coming up with lists that don’t include gloves, scarves or trinkets should never be something that takes up too much space in your head!

A Few Small Keto Gift Ideas

  1. Gift cards to Home Goods, Target, TJ Maxx, Starbucks, Amazon …. Wherever your favorite places to shop are. There was a time when gift cards came across as impersonal. Now, they are well received and a fun way to tell someone you value that they enjoy things that are very personal to them. I mean, who doesn’t love a gift card?
  2. Skinny Syrups. These are so easy to find, inexpensive, and I’m sure you know how versatile they are! Skinny Syrups in coffee, keto hot cocoa, and keto baking just make everything taste so much better! Just say which are your favorite flavors, or… be surprised!
  3. Anything Keto & Co. is great. My personal fave are their keto brownies. I tell ya, keto baking products have really come a long way! If you haven’t already tried them or if you’re a big fan, put these on your list! If you’re giving a Keto & Co. gift, throw in a potholder or oven mitts! (be sure to grab the Free Recipe Guide!)
  4. Don’t forget the mugs! You already know I’m a Rae Dunn fanatic, but aside from Rae Dunn – fun, pretty or personalized mugs are always an appreciated gift; am I right?Put a mug on your list and see what your gift giver comes up with to personalize it.
  5. Journals! If you love to write, plan and make lists, it’s always nice to have a journal to keep your thoughts together and in one place. (I have and often gift the Lightbulb Moments Journal from Amazon)
The ideas are endless.

There are also things like, coffee, beef jerky, and collagen products that I find really thoughtful and make great stocking stuffers. Gone are the days where I just swing my hand and say “don’t worry about it!” when asked if there is anything I’d like for Christmas. I love gifts, I also love gift giving! 

Just because we aren’t kids anymore doesn’t mean we have to silently pretend we don’t have things we would like to open on Christmas morning

So, when your friends, family, or colleagues ask for keto gift giving suggestions, don’t pretend you don’t love Christmas gifts! Have a running list of ideas that you don’t think will be too challenging for them to find! A merry Christmas should be merry for you as well! 

I hope this helps make keto gift giving simple! And if you have any other favorite ideas, leave them in the comments!

Amy XO

Keto gift giving

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey



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