If this is your first keto over Christmas or your eighth, how to survive over the holidays is a commitment that cannot be overlooked.

Please, do not try and ‘wing it’, I promise you this is where people fall short and end up undoing all of their hard work! The key is to set yourself up for success, and I’m going to give you a few tips to help you do this.

How to Survive Keto Over Christmas

  1. Write down your keto goals for the holiday season and how you will achieve them. These goals could be to regulate blood sugar, to be healthy enough to play with your grandchildren, to avoid having to experience the keto flu again if you have to restart your diet, or to have the energy you need to feel well. Whatever your goals are, write them down and keep them where you can see or access them easily!
  2. Look for keto versions of your favorite holiday meals, snacks or desserts. In 2021, you can find the keto version of absolutely anything online. Find these keto recipes and start preparing if you need to by purchasing ingredients or spices. Test them out in your free time, because there will be some that aren’t what you’d expect, and there will be some that will be better! (the Keto and Co. Holiday Recipe Guide we partnered with them on, is awesome – grab it here)
  3. There are going to be office parties, potlucks, and get-togethers you’ll attend. Bring a dish with you. Even if it’s an appetizer or a snack, this way you’ll be guaranteed something to eat and you’ll be less tempted to indulge in something that is not keto. 
  4. Plan ahead, always. If your office is attending a restaurant for a holiday get-together, read the menu online ahead of time and know what you will order. Make a decision ahead of time that you will not, under any circumstances, reach for that tower of Christmas cookies and throw away all of the hard work you’ve put in for 3 minutes of cookie pleasure. 
Surviving being keto over Christmas does not have to be a big task.

It’s not something you HAVE to do, it’s a part of a long term goal that you want to achieve. Eating is social, but it’s not the only thing you will do over Christmas. Enjoy seeing friends and family, talk about your goals and how good you feel, let others be proud and inspired by your achievements.

Your Keto strategy should exist, but it shouldn’t take up too much space in your thoughts or you may think of all you can’t have, instead of all you do have!

More than anything, remember that you are putting yourself first and taking care of your mind and body.

Prioritizing your health is a task you should be very proud of and one you want to do well. This Christmas can be a reminder of how far you’ve come and an inspiration to others that they can achieve their goals and live their best life along with you. 

You’ll do more than survive being keto over Christmas, you will thrive being keto over Christmas!

Amy XO

Keto over Christmas

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey



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