If you’re a woman over 40 and beginning a Keto lifestyle, you’re on the right track!

At this point, it is likely that you not only have 40 years of questionable dieting practices under your belt – but years of losing and gaining weight, artificial sweeteners, fat-free foods, and confusing messages from health care professionals to account for where you are mentally and physically right now. 

Sure, the intentions have always been good. But the methods and the reasons for your choices until now have caused issues for your metabolism and hormones! 

Being Over 40 is Just the Beginning!

The good news is you are a woman who has made it to 40, and you are in a position now to take a deep dive into the world of Keto.

Maybe you are experiencing those looming hormonal changes or unexplained weight gain in your midsection.

You may notice unexplained changes in your muscles or how your clothes fit.

You could have recently developed an autoimmune disease.

Maybe you are tired or are not sleeping well.

Premenopause/menopause cause hormonal changes that often require special attention and dietary/nutritional changes because we may not even recognize ourselves most days without them!

Whatever it is, Keto can help you start to feel good again. I firmly believe that a Keto diet is created for women in their 40s and that even though you have a lot on your plate, you can and will feel and look good again!

These Changes Don’t Have to be Your Normal

These body changes are often brushed off as a normal aging process. I wouldn’t consider the ’40s to be an aged population – but I think you know what I am talking about.

However, working long hours and trying to achieve a perfect version of parenthood, career, relationship, appearance, and financial stability will cause cortisol to rise.

Cortisol, a stress hormone, will interfere with how your body produces insulin which can cause weight gain. The hormonal changes concerning menopause can also magnify the effects of life stressors. 

This is where a Keto lifestyle will change your life. Controlling your carb intake by introducing ketosis will cause you to lose weight.

The high-fat, low-carb combination will help to balance your hormones.

Ultimately you will sleep better, feel better, and have increased energy. Your moods will improve, your body will have less stress from excess weight, and fewer cravings, your muscle tone will improve, and you’ll drop a bunch of clothing sizes.

Collagen and carefully chosen nutritional supplements can help us to balance the changes in our bodies, allowing us to feel more youthful.

What does this mean?
  • Less cortisol production!
  • Better sleep!
  • Changes in clothing sizes!
  • Fewer cravings for soda and sweets!
  • Improved mood!
  • Fewer night sweats!
  • More ENERGY!

There’s a good possibility that you will feel better than you have in many years!

Who else is looking forward to being free from feeling sick, tired, fluctuating weight, and the frustration of feeling defeated by another diet? Who else is tired of knowing that what they put in their bodies has little to do with being healthy and more to do with being thin? And who wants to feel like themselves again? 

I don’t know about you, but being over 40 and being in the best health of my life is the goal. Healthier skin, better sleep, and a reduction in menopause symptoms are what I am striving for!

Talk Soon,


woman keto over 40

p.s. Make sure you’ve downloaded my Keto Guide to help YOU get started (or restart) on your Keto Journey + receive my FREE Meal Plans every single week!



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